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CIOInsider India Magazine


Secure Your Digital Space

Chander Sharma, Head IT, Accutest Research Laboratories

The study found that most APAC organizations (83 percent) don’t think about cyber-security while embarking on digital transformation projects. Although majority of the organizations (72 percent) conduct regular breach assessment to protect themselves against cyber-attacks, still 55 percent of them were at risk. The study reveals that cloud is a key component of digital transformation (69 percent of respondents have adopted cloud) but most organizations think cyber – security is the responsibility of their cloud service provider.

It is clear from the study that many APAC organizations are on the back foot when it comes to enterprise cyber-security in the border less organization. Security leaders need to look beyond perimeter security, leverage automation and have a better grasp of the psychology of both cybercriminals and their business users. Incorporating behavior modeling into their IT security architecture is certainly a way to identify potential risks and fend off cyber –attacks.

Cyber Risks
The study reveals a big push among APAC

organizations, with 95 percent of respondents having embarked on a digital transformation journey, adopting emerging technologies including cloud computing, mobility, internet of things and artificial intelligence/machine learning. However, most organizations (65 percent) of respondents, acknowledge that they are seriously hampered in execution of digital transformation projects due to rising cyber-attacks.

One of the key reasons for this is the less mature approach by business leaders to involve cyber security when designing digital transformation projects had begun. Organizations today need to urgently embrace “secure – by-design” into their digital transformation projects. Adopting a behavior – centric security approach that focuses on understanding users’ ‘behavior on the network and within applications to identify behavioral anomalies can mitigate cyber-attacks before they happen.

As more digital technology is built into business like cloud and mobility, it is opening each organization up to more threats

Serious Misconceptions
Cloud has become one of the key components which is leading digital transformation with 69 percent of organizations adopting cloud. However, 54 percent of respondents perceive that their cloud service provider will take the full responsibility for security. Normally, security and compliance are shared responsibilities between an organization and the cloud service provider. This serious misconception around responsibility of security in the cloud is resulting in a higher number of cyber attacks.

Security Blind Spot
The impact which digital transformation is having on each organization’s risk posture is increasing. As more digital technology is built into business like cloud and mobility, it is opening each organization up to more threats. Data ex-filtration, impersonation-both theft of digital identity and online brand impersonation-loss of intellectual property and malware infection emerged as the top security blind spots for organizations rolling out digital transformation.

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