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CIOInsider India Magazine


Evolution of Technology and Associated Infrastructure

Arvind Kumar ,Head IT - Country Manager, Gate Gourmet

Information Technology Infrastructure has evolved drastically in the past 3 decades in terms of Mobility, Computing power or AI, and is still under evolution. This evolution process is like ours i.e. humans evolving from apes to cave men and then to modern humans. Our evolution has been stagnant for the past few 1000 years, but we do not see any stagnation in Technology Infrastructure.

As the time passed and demand for high computing, data bandwidth and mobility increased, the scenario changed and evolved in omnidirectional areas in a way that no one imagined. Now after 30 years, we have millions/trillions time faster computing power, Gigabyte data speed, enhanced mobility and telecom solutions.

1. Computing Power: Multi core multi socket (up to Deca+ core Processing capability having clock at 3+GHz per core)
2. Gigabyte / Terabyte Memory,
3. Petabyte Storage (Hybrid storage, iSCSI, NAS SAN),
4. 100s of Gbps data transfer capability (FC, FCoE, LANFi).
5. Converged/Hybrid technology (Cloud Computing)
6. Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Data Bandwidth and Mobility Increased, the Scenario Changed and Evolved in Omni Directional Areas in a Way That No One Imagined

If we examine the last 10 years, initiation of merging of IT and telecom as one entity, technology not only made it possible to hold personal computer and land line in our palm (in form of smart phone and tablets) but also allows us to roam along with it (BYOD, Hybrid and converged networks) e.g. cloud computing. This is leading to digitalization of Business which connected all of us anytime anywhere via mode of social/eCommerce and other platforms.

Technology Transformation: We never thought that we would be able to attend classes live from home, face to face talk, no need to go to bank for any money transactions, but technology made it happen. School classes have gone through a major transformation and landed as on demand classes and interactive sessions with our favourite teacher, Banking sector also brought in our palm via mode of mobile banking by making it whenever wherever needed. Mobile apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype etc. made it possible to talk face to face with anybody anywhere across the globe. Similarly, cloud computing helped us to go paperless and make all data/document available anytime anywhere on demand without any constraint.

Now Google glasses, self-drive vehicles etc. with technology like IoT & Machine learning (AI) have made us think of humanoids (The future).
We have accelerated business demand, supply and operations effortlessly by reducing human effort with help of enhanced IT infrastructure and technology platform.

Security Concern / Threat: The more we progressed in Technology, the more we are challenged by security threats e.g. virus, malware, phishing/hacking attacks etc. Now a days IT security has become a major concern for any organizations and will remain forever, since technology enhancement not only helps organizations but also helps these threats to get enhanced and become more powerful. In the whole journey, something is missing on day to day basis, which is human touch. Hope it can be brought back.

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