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How To Develop A Modern Workforce With Emerging Technologies, Opportunities And Challenges In Workforce Solutions

Minakshi Samant, Head HR APAC, Nobel Biocare

Nobel Biocare is one of the leaders in the field of innovative implant-based dental restorations – from single-tooth to fully edentulous indications.

I come from a generation where we have seen complete transformation in every aspect of technology, digitalization and commercial development in business strategies. The first lesson from all that’s taken place in the last ten years is the power of having a game-changing frame of mind.

There is rapid transformation that is driven by technology. Yet all change in society and business these days is impacted by some level of technology. Companies with a remote staff have the opportunity to save money and invest in training. The term ‘smart working’ allows individuals the freedom to work away from the office, at home, local café, or as they travel. This will enable employees to stay connected no matter where they are located across the globe.

To meet the challenges of modern workforce employers have to adapt to flexible work arrangements. Offering greater flexibility could result in higher company satisfaction, productivity, and engagement among millennial employees. As a result, the rise of working from home and flexible hours has led to an increased investment in Skype or video conferencing chats. However, younger millennials are keen on being productive outside the traditional 9-5 job and working anywhere with Wi-Fi.

While the nature of the workplace has changed dramatically within the past decade, the advancement in technology is moving faster than ever. It is estimated that technology will continue to increase in the years to come. This will impact every aspect of management – from how businesses retain and attract employees to how employees communicate and collaborate.

Due to the powerful advancements in communication and technology, moving the physical workplace online will enable the millennial generation to combine life between work and home, as well as achieve balance in both. While our human needs are to be social and collaborate as a team, balancing flexibility and discipline is the key to a successful remote workplace.

At the same time, Digital Business has become universally acknowledged as a critical issue and is a much more complex picture, involving every aspect of business functionality. New developments making their mark today were barely

on the digital radar then, including blockchain technology, AI, robotics, machine learning and genetics.

As digital natives, millennials in the workplace grew up in the first generation of laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Today, it is quickly growing as the future of business. Their ability to embrace innovation and handle mobile technology offers unique career opportunities and businesses. The Modern Workplace is choosing to spend more time working from home or during their travels which positively impacts worker satisfaction.

To meet the challenges of modern workforce employers have to adapt to flexible work arrangements

As Generation Z continues to enhance its technological skills, we will continue to see the increased adoption of team communication and collaboration tools, whether they are used in the workplace or online. However, these are digital natives that grew up in a world full of technology. They are also diverse, and Gen Z has been forced to face many global issues that previous generations struggled with, such as immigration, same-sex marriage, alternative sexual lifestyles, equal gender pay, and more. However, the most distinctive characteristic of Gen Z is their sense of entrepreneurship. We need to understand why millennials and technology are changing the future workplace.

Enterprises that adopt Business Intelliegence and analytics capabilities will be able to best determine a workforce strategy by analyzing the mass volumes of data. The process can become even more advanced and can help in predictive analytics which can assist organisations in forecasting staff requirements according to geographical reasons. This sort of forecast is essential to schedule the right people while considering seasonal hiring.

Social media has a crucial role to play catering to the needs of today’s employee and of course an efficient workforce. But employees must mark a difference between when these platforms are essential and when these are merely a distraction; the intention of these platforms should solely fulfill the business purpose.

Digitalizing the workforce management platform can revamp the organizations and can provide a solid base for future digital initiatives which will affect the entire organization. The initial step towards a transformed future will start from focusing on the employees and their convenience as it will help in enacting change and support the processing system. Also, recruitment faces an uncertain future: skills shortages remain an everpresent, ever-persistent issue; talent is becoming more mobile, more selective, and more resistant to employers’ traditional methods of courtship. An event that could end up being business as usual or an economically devastating event that fundamentally constrains access to labour, it depends who you ask.

Given the challenges and the complications associated with sourcing talent, ‘recruitment’ almost feels too simplistic to describe what modern employers require: ‘workforce solutions’ is perhaps more appropriate. Whatever we call it, the pool of skilled, experienced employees is becoming shallower – and businesses must adjust their approach to sourcing talent if they hope to maintain and improve their internal capabilities.

Talent war will ultimately be won by those deemphasize the traditional search, focus towards creating an organizational brand, bank on social HR and crate a functional inbound recruitment platform. And the only way to shift talent acquisition from an administrative to a strategic role is through Technological collaboration.

To create the best impact on the organization and society at large, transformation of HR from administrative facilitator to a strategic partner has been made possible due to technological collaboration. Boon for some, bane for others it is imperative to understand that automation, when applied strategically can yield significant results. If we don’t change and upgrade us with changing times, we will not be in the game soon.

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