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Nature Inspired Cloud Systems - The Next Frontier of Cloud Revolution

Nirav Sanghavi, Director - Software Development, Sophos

With more than two decades of experience across diverse tech functions, Nirav is a strong proponent of 'continuous learning' and believes engineering and applied engineering to be the answer towards solving all modern day business problems.

In a recent interaction with Keerthana H K, Correspondent, CIO Insider, Nirav shared his thoughts on the emerging trend of Nature Inspired Cloud Systems and many other interesting aspects related to it. Below are a few key extracts from the exclusive interview -

How does AI integration enhance the scalability and efficiency of cloud computing infrastructure?
Many business leaders are confused about the necessity of integrating AI, as their existing cloud infrastructure is already offering numerous advantages that their business demands. Currently, they have a team of individuals assessing the performance of their existing systems by using a few data points that they have. However, replacing this with an AI algorithm not only helps organizations to vigilantly monitor their systems and applications, but can also analyze current patterns, compare it with historical data and predict future trends in real time. Based on those predictions, companies can proceed with dynamic resource allocation to effectively meet the fluctuating needs. While cloud does indeed offer the needed scalability for enterprises, AI integration enables it to automatically scale itself based on future resource requirements forecast provided by the AI algorithm. Additionally, integrating AI into the existing infrastructure also facilitates predictive maintenance, enabling enterprises to quickly take the necessary action and avoid downtime. This is one of the biggest values additions that AI integration offers to enterprises around scalability and efficiency of their cloud infrastructure.

Throw some light on the key challenges organizations face while integrating swarm intelligence into cloud computing.
Be it any technology, solution, system or application, challenges are bound to arise if they are not implemented in the right manner. In terms of integrating cloud computing, high computational costs for larger clouds have been one of the major challenges for enterprises worldwide. To successfully tackle this challenge, organizations must adopt a hybrid approach to make their processes more scalable and less complex. Secondly, since the algorithm functions based on

the specific set of parameters such as scaling, cost optimization or performance monitoring, it is paramount for enterprises to tweak the algorithm according to the input, which keeps changing due to the constantly evolving market dynamics. However, this is a very complex process and demands highly skilled tech manpower, which is sparse in the industry today. This is another key challenge that is haunting most of the enterprises lately.Also, most of the data being stored on cloud raises a lot of concerns on security and privacy of the PII, forcing organizations to have stringent security practices in place and adopt cutting-edge cybersecurity technologies and solutions. While this is indeed a costly affair and demands significant capital, organizations must look at the long-term advantages and strike a balance between this tech investment cost and ROI.

Tell us about how Nature-Inspired Cloud Systems (NICS) contribute to the development of more adaptive and intelligent autonomous systems.
Almost everything in this world is inspired by nature in one way or another. For instance, the flock of birds fly in a V-shape formation instead of a straight line to balance the air resistance. Each bird in that flock not only has its own learning, but also learns from other birds to maintain the V formation, adjust their direction according to the surroundings and reach their destination in an optimized way. The same thing applies to the resource allocation that we do in cloud. Everything that is smart, adaptable and anonymous is facilitated by enhanced learning through the AI/ML algorithms. Also, collaboration and knowledge sharing form the key aspects in any cloud environment because collective performance of all resources is what decides the final performance of the cloud system. NICS enables the ongoing improvement and optimization of autonomous systems through continuous analysis of data that is being collected in the cloud, fine-tunes the algorithm, learn from the data to effectively false positives and have zero false negatives. By harnessing these capabilities, NICS will no doubt revolutionize various industries and pave way for the next generation of intelligent and adaptable autonomous systems.

NICS enables the ongoing improvement and optimization of autonomous systems through continuous analysis of data that is being collected in the cloud.

What are some potential risks associated with the adoption of NICS?
While there are numerous risks associated with storage data on cloud, the first and foremost risk that is talked about the most is security and privacy. It is paramount for enterprises to have robust security measures in place to not only secure data that is being stored, but also ensure the safety of data which is being transferred between different systems and applications. Also, the complex nature of NICS algorithms makes it a herculean task to understand the decision-making process since it considers many parameters while making any decision and does not rely on a single parameter. This makes it very difficult for the company to troubleshoot any issues or even make any improvements to the system. Additionally, since NICS are themselves are evolving, there is still no standardization in terms of the methodologies being practiced, making it difficult to compare the parameters of different algorithms with each other.

Briefly explain the importance of real-time data processing and analysis in the success of NICS.
Today, data is the elixir on which almost every automation technology, system, or application functions. Thus, it is important for enterprises to ensure that the data being fed into the systems is real time. Although historical data is indeed useful, real time data processing and analysis plays an even more crucial role in enabling NICS to effectively optimize various functions within an organization. Real time data analysis provides NICS with up-to-date information, enabling it to make smart decisions based on the current situation or dynamics. Additionally, real time data facilitates NICS with the capability to learn and adapt to the changing scenarios, while simultaneously optimizing and improving the entire process.

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