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The Intersection of Human Expertise and AI Ingenuity in IT Solutions

VinodKumar Bittiwar, CTO, CCL SARL

Encompassing areas such as insurance, gaming systems, healthcare, e-commerce, as well as Indian stock market, Vinod Kumar Bittiwar brings over 25 years of extensive experience in the field of IT. In his illustrious career, Vinod has garnered in-depth expertise into a wide array of technologies, including Python, .NET, Java for Android platforms, iOS development, among others. As an evangelist, Vinod constantly focuses on leveraging technologies to mitigate challenges faced by individuals and businesses and steer their growth potential.

Overcoming Real-life Challenges Leveraging AI
When it comes to faster and smarter decision-making in IT and enhancing customer experience, AI can significantly bring the necessary changes. Today, leading tech entities like Google, Microsoft, Apple and Samsung have pivoted towards AI integration, aiming to simplify daily tasks for individuals. Initially focused on personal convenience - think Siri on iOS or Bixby on Samsung - AI now profoundly influences business solutions. Furthermore, AI accelerates solution development for developers by simplifying complex tasks through AI-generated shortcuts in APIs. Furthermore, it also educates developers in new domains like telecom, reducing learning time for quicker implementations and better troubleshooting. And when it comes to IoT, AI delivers precise solutions by minimizing error-prone iterations, ensuring accurate initial versions, and reducing customer issues; streamlining processes for smoother outcomes.

Having said this, one of the primary challenges AI faces in IT lies in its reliance on existing models and platforms, constraining its solutions to what's already available in widely accessed databases and platforms like Google, Bing, or Stack Overflow. While these resources provide solutions, they lack creativity and specificity tailored to individual project requirements. This poses a significant hurdle for solution builders in assessing the perfect fit for their needs.

Moreover, these resources lack tailored solutions, hindering ideal fits for unique project needs. Adding to it, databases vary significantly, from SQL to NoSQL options like MongoDB, demanding different query approaches. While AI simplifies interactions, it struggles to offer optimized, personalized solutions. This is where human expertise shines; crafting tailored solutions by leveraging past experiences can be vital for integrating elements like AI and experiential insights. Hence, merging AI's capabilities with human expertise is crucial.

While AI provides smart solutions, human input is vital for nuanced decision-making - deciding when, where, and how to apply solutions effectively. Ultimately, it's the collaboration between AI's intelligence and human insights that forms precise solutions for the modern landscape.

Transparency & Ethical Practice is Must
Ensuring AI systems are transparent across various platforms is crucial, especially for IT professionals and users who seek specific information. Microsoft's Bing Copilot caters well to IT needs, but other platforms might offer generic responses, which fails to meet unique requirements. Therefore, Precision in AI responses is vital, tailored to specific domains instead of providing generalized information. For instance, asking about .NET might yield irrelevant Python or Java responses, calling for domain-specific tuning in AI systems.

AI's intelligence coupled with human insights can form the most precise solutions to navigate today’s volatile and disruptive market.

Furthermore, transparency concerns arise from AI sourcing potentially sensitive data across platforms like GitHub. To address this, AI should discern what to share or conceal, maintaining a balance between data relevance and safeguarding sensitive information. Resolving these challenges requires a deep understanding of AI's role in IT. Today, efforts are underway to refine AI systems, aiming to align better with the expectations of IT experts and users. Furthermore, data privacy and security are major concerns. When people get a new phone, they often accept terms without understanding them, leading to unintentional data sharing.

Furthermore, hacking incidents affect users worldwide, prompting complaints to authorities like the EU, FBI, and India's cybersecurity systems. A big problem is privacy gaps in popular apps like WhatsApp leads to frequent updates to fight evolving hacks. AI in these systems worsens the issue that privacy might be compromised. Also, data initially on personal devices often ends up on servers owned by big companies like Apple, Google, or Microsoft, exposing user info. ALso, AI platforms like Google's Copilot or Microsoft's solutions gather unencrypted developer code, risking sensitive info exposure. To tackle these concerns, we need to reconsider default AI access, strengthen encryption, and better educate users on privacy; robust encryption, transparent user consent for AI data sharing, strict regulations, and improved cybersecurity are crucial to safeguarding user data in our AI-driven world.

What Future Holds
Future AI in IT will be focused on tailored solutions while emphasizing data restriction. The aim would be to create reports using models without transferring raw data, thereby preserving its essence while limiting access. Also, AI will move away from residing solely on company servers, integrating into device platforms to stay within user devices, reducing data exposure risks and preserving privacy. Also, encapsulating AI within microchips (e.g., Samsung's Knox or Apple's M-series chips) represents a potent trajectory, fostering faster operations and safeguarding data from breaches. Moreover, Microsoft is also exploring specialized processors; AI confined within microprocessors aligns with the need for strict boundaries, delivering efficient and secure outcomes for IT users. This approach promises secure data, faster solutions, and fortified user privacy.

“Developing AI within strict data privacy boundaries and specific subject areas is crucial to avoid unforeseen challenges. For the IT community, AI stands as a crucial tool for future development. Embracing it means gearing up for transformative technological waves, leading to efficient and controlled innovations. Responsible adoption and harnessing its potential will pave the way for a brighter future with AI,” concludes VinodKumar Bittiwar, CTO, CCL SARL.

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