| |December 20208AI IS NO MAGIC: FOUR STEPS TO GET YOUR ORGANIZATION STARTED ON ITS AI JOURNEYF or decades, ar-tificial intelli-gence (AI) has demonstrated its heartbeat via the predictive pow-er it possesses and the profound impact it can have on society. As with any emerging technology, AI went through its phase of hype where it was considered to be a fu-turistic magic pill, to becoming a reality, as we see organizations leveraging AI to light up aspira-tional use cases and develop new business models. By attaining human parity across vision, speech, and text, AI has the potential to have a significant impact on business outcomes. At the Microsoft Tech-nology Center, I interact with cus-tomers every day about infusing AI into their solution portfolio, and it is clear that we are past the incubation stage and the time is ripe to put our learnings into practice.For organizations that are still trying to figure out their AI journey, here are four things I have learned from customers who have successfully implemented AI projects: Be RealisticOne of the common questions I hear from customers during our initial meetings is how they can experiment with AI to understand the `art of possibility' and the eventual return on investment. I believe experimenting is abso-lutely the right thing to do since the most difficult task at hand is not implementation via technolo-gy but identification of the right use case. Being realistic about what you wish to solve or accom-plish is the need of the hour, and this is where business and tech-nology leaders must come togeth-er. It is also essential to strike a balance between the accuracy and By Sandeep Alur, Director, Microsoft Technology Center, Microsoft IndiaAn IT professional with more than two decades of experience, Sandeep boasts a career across three IT majors.Sandeep Alur, Directorexpert opinion
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