| |April 20199persistence of the cause. A similar analysis could identify accident spots or occurrence or origin of crime. Such systems will equip the local authorities to monitor the city on a real-time basis there-by providing information to the persons concerned. As one may have assessed from the above, the potential of using ICT systems in providing an excellent quality of life to cit-izens is extensive. However, at the cost of belabouring the ob-vious, it is essential to note that technologies as an `enabler', a fa-cilitator, perhaps, by itself, can-not build the city `smart'. Several concomitant steps are required to reify the smart city concept as described. These action points include, inter alia, designing and implementing adequate pro-cesses to take advantage of the technology, building and contin-uously strengthening the charac-ter of the city and what it stands for, enhancing awareness of citi-zens, engaging the common man in the management of the city, building organizational capabili-ty to actually operate such a city, and putting in place an excellent governance mechanism.In conclusion, one may point out that cities are critical constituents of any nation, even today, but their importance is likely to grow substantially in the not so distant future. Their roles as centers of economic activity will draw people from all over the world and as global barriers to people' movement thereby, turning urban cities as major population hubs throughout the world. Systems thinking about smart cities will allow us to have deeper insight, understand components and their links in the system and thus giving us a way to understand its behaviour. It will also provide more effective and long-term support by changing the entire system using the simple introduction of small change in the right place. Systems thinking will help us to identify and change the limiting factors in any complex situation. As the main nervous system of any city, ICT holds tremendous potential to augment governance and improve quality of life. Sys-tem thinking, however, provides a more holistic perspective that is essential for success and will col-lectively deliver the promised benefits.
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