CIO Insider

CIOInsider India Magazine


Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life

Archee Roy | Monday, 10 September, 2018
Archee Roy

Two things are certain: change and technological evolution. Artificial Intelligence (AI), one such change and a technological evolution, just like Cloning, is one area of science that has generated tremendous controversy. Many that oppose the AI technology argue that it will pose a threat to humanity in the long run. That perhaps one day might happen, but for the time being, these machines are not on the verge to espouse control from man. As of now, it is still a big question whether AI is a beautiful dream or a bad concoction for human civilization. AI has now entered the daily lives of human civilization, from Siri to Google Maps. Pepper, the humanoid robot has been evolved to read emotions making AI become the next salvage step for the people seeking company.

Although AI based emotions cannot exact the real ones, yet the assistance truly seeks to forge a new dimension to AI. Such multifaceted AI is helping human in several realms. From AI in healthcare to become a helping hand to scientists, lawyers, social counsellors, and techies in their work, AI has enlarged its scope.

AI is creating improvements in education, business, industrial automation, and politics. AI always stands as a problem solver in experiments and tough processes. Yet, with all such capabilities, AI stands to disrupt few realms of our lives. AI might even affect the economy of people in an adverse way, due to the extensive usage of machines, resulting in the poor economy of a country. But then again, one might argue, the economy can be balanced because machines are more efficient than the humans they replace, who can go on to pursue more fulfilling roles in the society. In order to use AI in their work, people will have to skill themselves, which has a fair tendency to trigger the global human intelligence scale.

As such, the concept of AI is still in its infancy stage because AI is much more than just voice detection technology, suggestive searches, and autonomous cars. The illusion, or rather the delusion of people fearing AI to take over the human civilization is forgetting one key factor that every AI is careful about intelligence because even a computer code runs according to the way it is programmed. The human who creates AI mirrors the humanity and the sanity needed as they are the ones who are going to teach results and implications to the AI systems. Hence, it is clear that AI is not at all dehumanizing. Instead, AI is here to help the human civilization on a daily basis right from automating monotonous jobs or dangerous jobs to predicting weather and even becoming friends.

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