AIWare.ai: Combines Deep Tech, Agile Product Engineering & Human-Centered Design to Delight Customers

Headquartered in Trivandrum, AIWare.ai is a technology start-up with a vision to transform large enterprises by improving their throughput efficiency with Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive automation, Advanced analytics and Cloud computing. Harnessing the power of these technologies, AIWare.ai engineering products will provide different technological services to banking, communication and healthcare sector around the globe. The company has a team of some of the brightest minds in the technology space and energetic young engineers with a never-ending appetite for innovation. Leading this team are, Sachith Sebastian and Chandrasekhar Somasekhar, who elaborate on AIWare.ai’s offerings.
In conversation with Sachith Sebastian, Chief Operating Officer and Chandrasekhar Somasekhar, Chief Architect, AIWare.ai
For enterprises, it is clear that AI applications will provide companies with an edge in the future. The next decade will witness tough competition amongst companies powered by AI. Give a clear insight into the steps and decisions that made you bring the idea of AIWare.ai into life.
The confluence of Big Data advances in Computing Power and Cloud has enabled enterprises to apply AI to practical use cases and derive business value. At AIWare. ai, our focus is to tap the power of AI to enhance customer experience and improve the throughput
efficiency of enterprises. Furthermore, the gap between traditional enterprises and data-driven digital companies is wide when it comes to providing personalized customer experience. To address this gap, the company’s enterprise AI platform provides a catalog of solutions that our clients can customize to their use cases. Additionally, our experience working with large Fortune 500 companies also gave us insights into the inefficiency of operations in such firms and inspires us to develop AI capabilities that can help an enterprise take out cost of operations.
We work with Universities, and partner with companies in the start-up space to collaborate rather than build everything in-house
Advancements in AI are promising sustainable development for business firms. Emerging technologies are subjected to constant upgrades that move from the niche space to more prominent usage in the industry. Being a start-up how has AIWare.ai adapted to the upcoming trends in this space?
Every industry is experiencing rapid, massive, and disrupting change over the last couple of years. Classic examples are what Airbnb has done to the hospitality industry or what Uber and Lyft have done to the transportation industry while the future of retail opened with Amazon Go. As industry adopts new technology it drastically changes the way people interact with a business, like transportation or hospitality. The company is focusing on the fintech space, especially on how to make financial services accessible to the deprived. With this focus on customer experience and efficiency, we work with Universities, and partner with companies in the start-up space to collaborate rather than build everything inhouse. We look for talents in the
leader boards of hackathons and build an ecosystem of innovation to place the best on the hands of end customer.
Businesses can gain fruitful results from AI when there is a sufficient amount of data. Except huge enterprises, SMEs may not find the real output of adopting AI into their business. How do you address such challenges that keep SMEs from adopting AI?
Our discussions with SMEs or businesses are always focused on the outcomes the technology can bring than on the technology itself. The outcome could be improving customer experience, productivity, and reducing operational costs. Once the outcomes that the technology can bring are proven, we don’t see any challenge in adoption.
Chandrasekhar Somasekhar, Chief Architect
AI and other emerging technologies are not going to pull brake over transforming businesses in the coming years. Tell us about the future plans of the company in the years ahead.
While we have started our journey with a focus on banking and financial services, we plan to pivot our products and solutions to other industries such as telecom and healthcare in the next few years. We are also keenly monitoring the Quantum computing space and its potential to change the way one can apply AI to solve large scale business problems. In the coming years, we plan to look at public sector use cases in India, such as smart cities and financial inclusion for the masses.