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CIOInsider India Magazine


3 Pillars of Digital Transformation: Cloud, DevOps and Big Data

CIOInsider Team | Thursday, 21 November, 2019
CIOInsider Team

Digital transformation is the method of using digital technologies to invent new or revise existing business processes, culture, and customer satisfaction to meet fluctuating business and market requirements. Digital transformation is a necessity for the growth of the business. This reinterpretation of business in the digital age is meant to be digital transformation. Digital transformation has reshaped on how companies approach customer service. Digital transformation is altering the mode when the business gets done and in sometimes, creating entirely new stages of businesses. With the help of digital transformation most of the companies are taking a step back and reconsidering everything they provide, from internal

systems to customer interactions both online and offline.Integrating latest technology and ensuring maximum efficiency is the fundamental target achieved by digital transformation. To attain this efficiency Cloud, DevOps and Big Data is helping digital transformation primarily for their growth in the business.

As the world progresses and tech passes at rapid speed, digital transformation converts into a means of existence. Cloud is the strongest enablers of digital transformation. Cloud becomes the promoter for this transformation and the mixture of cloud will have a key role to play. During a time where achievement is measured by customer experience, a cloud-enabled and cloud-delivered business model assists the business to discover newer networks to offer a superior customer experience. The other pillar of digital transformation is DevOps which plays an essential role. DevOps helps organizations promote with digital transformation by changing the cultural set of the business. DevOps is the evolvement of agile software delivery methodology, stressing rather small cross-functional teams of cloud automation engineers, who are able to build the cloud infrastructure for any products and safeguards and check if it runs without issues.Big Data systems control using DevOps infrastructure built over the platforms provisioned by cloud service suppliers.

All the three components are essential and have strong leadership and passionateassistance of business executives is the closing portion. Digital Transformation engages in a structured and systemic approach to all business processes, aimed to increase efficiency and improving customer experiences. Using big data, cloud computing and DevOps together will provide the company to benefit and plan the company’s digital transformation efficiently for the long.

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