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Paypal Counts on Google Cloud to Boost its Digital Transformation

CIO Insider Team | Friday, 14 May, 2021

PayPal and Google Cloud aim to expand their relationship in order to drive PayPal's digital transformation and meet changing consumer needs. Google Cloud will support PayPal's growth by providing both infrastructure and analytical capabilities, allowing the company to process transactional data at a large scale.

PayPal was able to add resources to their infrastructure in just hours using Google Cloud's infrastructure solutions, a method that would have taken months otherwise.

Furthermore, even though the majority of PayPal's online transactional data are stored in its SAP S/4HANA database, the company was able to use SAP's Financial Products Subledger. This was later enabled the company to deliver at large scale on Google Cloud, to rapidly process high-volume transactions and analyze buying patterns at scale with low latency.

PayPal was able to handle 1,000 payments per second during high traffic hours, such as heightened online shopping periods like Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the United States, a 22 percent rise from 2019.

The company was able to provide excellent customer experiences during these high-traffic events thanks to Google Cloud's ability to stagger workloads and scale computing resources up or down during peak and off-peak hours.

Derek White, Vice President, Global Financial Services, Google Cloud explained how e-commerce has spiked during the pandemic, with people using less cash. As a result, payments providers have been in high demand. He ensured that they are working with PayPal to leverage the power of the cloud to make shopping and e-commerce easier, faster, and more secure. And that's a win for businesses and consumers.

PayPal was recently added to Google Ads and Google Workspace as a payment option. Google will better support PayPal's platform of consumers and merchants by incorporating PayPal. This payment method, which is currently available in the United States and a few European countries, builds on Google Play's and Buy on Google's existing payment integrations, which enable customers and businesses to use PayPal at checkout.

“We can only develop fast, build fast, and deploy fast if we have infrastructure that’s as nimble as we are. By leveraging the power of the cloud, our teams can focus on providing the best products, capabilities and services to our customers. As a part of our strategic partnership, we’re working side-by-side with Google Cloud to scale and secure our infrastructure for the future”, said Wes Hummel, Vice President, Site Reliability and Cloud Engineering, PayPal.

PayPal set out to scale its infrastructure internationally while simultaneously introducing new products and services for consumers after experiencing rapid growth since becoming an independent company in 2015. PayPal is switching more of its core resources and workloads to Google Cloud as part of its hybrid cloud strategy.

The global pandemic sparked a boom in digital commerce and consumer traffic, resulting in a 24 percent increase in PayPal's overall active customer accounts, which now total 392 million active users as of the end of Q1 2021.

“We can only develop fast, build fast, and deploy fast if we have infrastructure that’s as nimble as we are. By leveraging the power of the cloud, our teams can focus on providing the best products, capabilities and services to our customers. As a part of our strategic partnership, we’re working side-by-side with Google Cloud to scale and secure our infrastructure for the future”, said Wes Hummel, Vice President, Site Reliability and Cloud Engineering, PayPal.

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