Dr. Ganesh Natarajan
Bringing together the finest minds in the industry, academia and technology, 5F World has been delivering digital transformation through innovation and a balanced approach to processes, technology, data and culture. The company, based out of Pune, has devised solutions to accelerate digital transformation and build a digital future. Dr. Ganesh Natarajan, Chairman, explains how the company delivers excellence and innovation to assist organizations on the path to digital success.
In conversation with Dr. Ganesh Natarajan, Chairman, 5F World
Digital transformation is imperative for all businesses, from small to large enterprises. As there is a rapid growth in the digital transformation field, how is this supported by 5F World?How is your organisation placed in the market?
5F World is a successful eco-system that enables organisations to get the true benefits of digital transformation. Our approach to digital transformation is human-centric and imparts much focus on results. By enabling our customers to act flexible, we create an environment that is friendly and fun. We have enlisted a set of operations under our business ecosystem that includes mission for Digital India 2.0, skilling & sustainable livelihood, cyber physical growth & transformation, and building
digital companies. The idea is to create digital futures for people, organizations and society through our business ecosystem.
We are uniquely positioned to achieve this because we offer best-in-class solutions and services at India prices.
5F World facilitates high growth for entrepreneurs, irrespective of the industry they are in. How do you and your partner network solve the challenges of growth for start-ups and medium sized firms?
At 5F World and our partner network, we are committed to the success of our clients and their vision for growth and transformation. To support their transformative journey, we have built a robust investment ecosystem doing seed funding and enabling larger fundraising programs. Besides direct support, the ecosystem fosters fruitful associations connecting start-ups with stakeholders in supporting innovative digital transformation ideas and ventures. Kalzoom Advisors, a joint venture of 5F World along with Chesapeake Group of New York, provides end to end technology management for large corporations in their digital journeys. It also works on a unique Grow-Buy-Sell growth model to prepare smaller companies to participate in the supplier-partner digital ecosystem of large corporations.
Our network also consists of Investment firms, 1 Crowd and Cross Span Ventures where we are early investors.
You have supported many companies through 5F World. Can you tell us your investment thesis and how your investee companies are doing?
The companies in our ecosystem where we have equal or majority stake in are
1. Global Talent Track, one of the largest Tech and FS Skills companies.
2. Skills Alpha, a Digital Platform for Career and Learning Management.
3. Centre for AI and Advanced Analytics for research and training for students and corporates.
4. Kalzoom Advisors, for Growth and Digital Transformation Advisory. And we have minority stakes through strategic investments in
5. Live History India Digital, a platform for research based publishing about history and culture.
6. Studio Coppre, an aggregator and design partner for copper artisans in the country.
7. Farm Guru, a digital partner to the farming community.
8. SP Robotic Works, a market leader in Robotics education for children.
9. Ahammune, a drug research company.
10. Yoryo, a digital platform for supply chain and transformation.
Our thesis is to build and enable companies which enable digital futures – for individuals, companies and society.
Our thesis is to build and enable companies which enable digital futures – for individuals, companies and society
To succeed in business today, you need to be flexible and have good planning for the future. How is 5F World helping customers meet their requirements in your organization?
With successful clients in US and India, we believe that digital success needs people, firms and societies to be in a5F mode - Fast, Focused, Flexible, Friendly and Fun. We are committed to deliver on that promise, every time everywhere. We believe in sustainable growth, collaboration and path breaking ideas that are re-shaping the world today and we are making that happen for all our client partners today.