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Data First: Building Advanced Data Center Architecture

E. Avadhuth ,General Manager

E. Avadhuth

General Manager

As the pace of business increases, data center managers feel the crunch. As a result, the role of IT is shifting dramatically. While previously data center managers focused on keeping the lights on, today they need to be able to enable the business. With an increase in bandwidth demands driven by trends such as Big Data, a shift in how organizations are viewing, building and planning their data centers is being witnessed. This leads to organizations preferring to build their own data centers, which in turn require the facilities to be more efficient to achieve higher density. Specialized in advancing the skill sets of organizations, Ahmedabad based company, Data First, offers converged IT infrastructure, multi-cloud computing, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), and analytics to name a few. Data First with its specialization in Managed Infrastructure and platform solutions is a leading provider of outsourced data center, Server Colocation, VPS Hosting, Dedicated Server Hosting, Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Disaster Recovery Services, and Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS).

With a strong presence in this sector, Data First has become India’s First Tier-lll Data center with more than 95 percent of customer retention rate. With ISO 9001:2008 certification, the company has become a place to harness the technology advances available and provide state-of the art Cisco powered Data Center for reliable, redundant, zero downtime and secure facility with multiple bandwidth options.

The Slew of Infrastructure Facilities
The analogy drawn from the scope of customization with furniture bought from Walmart extends to Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) as well.

IaaS provides the facility to customize OS and other platforms into the system. Data First’s IaaS provides infrastructure such as virtual machines, block and file-based storage, firewalls, load balancers, IP address and many such features. These features strengthen the basic layer used in cloud computing model of the client companies. Herein, the cloud computing model acts as a Platform as a Service (PaaS) to deliver applications over the internet.

When a business relies on PaaS providers for key services, a host of additional services on the server arises wherein, a Dedicated Hosting primarily outpaces other hosting options. Being an internet hosting option, an organization leases an entire server, frequently housed in a data center. Data First provides server administration with all the service guarantees as required. The company provides server hardware and support to operating systems, software applications and security systems with custom firewall, helping to enforce the access control policy.Through such managed servers and platforms, Data First ensures increased security while
availing cost optimization to the client companies. Additionally, for such increased and customized security,
Data First brings Data Recovery as a service (DRaaS), along with Dedicated Hosting Service. DRaaS is a cloud computing and backup service model that uses cloud resources to protect applications and data from disruption
caused by disaster. Data First gives
an organization a total system backup that allows for business continuity in the event of system failure. DR as allows applications to run on virtual machines at any time, even without a real disaster.

Data First ensures advantages such as multisite for continuous backup, array agnostic for replication in any environment and provides comprehensive selective data backup. In a power sensitive country like ours, no organization can be callous to neglect the impact of an apt DRaaS. Data First integrates and manages different applications and network elements that are needed to ensure business continuity. In this, the company features three significant categories of DR as, cold disaster recovery service, warm disaster recovery services, and hot disaster recovery services.

The Cold Server Recovery service relies on off-site tape warehousing, in which duplicate backup tapes are physically moved to a Data First datacenter. Tapes are stored in Media Safe and whenever
the tapes are needed, they are taken
out of storage and loaded on the
recovery server.

Whereas, in the warm disaster recovery service, the servers at the alternate location are pre-loaded with the OS, applications, software and periodic updates are done, ready to take over from the primary datacenter. Lastly, in the Disaster Recovery Service, Data First Datacenter offers synchronized datacenter services for mission critical systems and application. Hot DR Site acts as ‘replica’ of the customer's data and has the capability to deploy and combine various high-availability technologies to ensure instant recovery from any major disaster.

As such, the practice of housing key objectives by Data First’s data center server collocation is mainly featured to utilize enhanced IT support services on key IT infrastructure and servers without incurring heavy operational costs. The company’s Data Center Collocation Service offers the most sought-after space, power, cooling and other related facilities.

Data First ensures advantages such as multisite for continuous backup, array agnostic for replication in any environment and provides comprehensive selective data backup

Data First is looking forward to introducing new services like Vulnerability assessment and mitigation
(hardening) and Data center-as-Service. Such a giant myriad of solutions and services amalgamate to make Data First the frontrunner of the most secured, reliable and cost-effective managed services providers for the most precious asset of organizations, i.e. the data.

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