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Glosap Consulting Group: Introducing Businesses to AI & Robotics

Venkatesh Babu, Managing Director

Venkatesh Babu

Managing Director

Though in its infancy, Robotics industry has already started making considerable strides across industries. We are interested to know about Glosap’s strides in this domain.
Years before Glosap was a reality, I had made a remarkable career as an Engineering Manager in diverse industries like pharmaceutical, Engineering, trading and manufacturing. After building a good foundation and understanding of business needs and requirements, I was inspired to pursue masters in business administration (MBA). Recognizing the huge potential of the IT industry and what will it do for businesses, I decided to make a foray into it, establishing Glosap Consulting Private Limited, Singapore in 2006. Demonstrating exceptional growth, Glosap group expanded its Operations in Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Germany, USA and UAE. A well-functioning offshore back office & CoE(Centre of Excellence) with 200+ resources were established in Chennai under the name of Glomatriz Technologies Private Limited. I feel, the IT industry is a challenging area where you must be innovative with your solutions in order to support all the Enterprises’ needs. You may notice a particular problem that does not currently have a solution or the industry that you have been working in requires innovation. By establishing Glosap, we are able to act as an extension to the MSME and LE sectors, aiding them in successful IT transformations and technology initiatives. With my previous working experience, I know much about how MSMEs work which is why we can reach out to them, and introduce the right products, the right solutions at the right price.

"Glosap is an Innovative solution provider and partnering with SAP, Microsoft Intelligent Technologies and solution provider"

Afteryears of experience as an entrepreneur I am now aware of what it takes to succeed in the business world. An entrepreneur needs to have the capacity, the courage, and the willingness to develop, organize, and manage a business venture along with any risks in order to make a profit. One should not give up for any reason, and they should not get upset at what happened. Focus on achieving your goals, if the trust and commitment are there, people will come to you. Longterm business success is not coincidental or based on luck. It is a product of effort, planning and strategy.

The spirit of an entrepreneur is characterized by innovation and risk taking, and it is an essential part of a nation’s ability to succeed in an ever changing and increasingly competitive global marketplace.

Tell us about the perks of Robotics Process Automation(RPA)in Business.
Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman, in his book "Thinking Fast and Slow”(2011), describes two ways of human thinking: System 1 and System 2. As he describes, System 1 is always switched on. It’s automatic, fast, unconscious, and stereotypical. Never in doubt, system 1 is extremely quick and efficient in recognizing known patterns and fitting the new concepts into the established perspectives. It is at work while you are driving on an empty road without thinking and can read text on billboards without paying attention. At workplace, System 1 makes you feel comfortable in familiar situations however, it also leads you away from data driven decision making towards intuition and biases. System 2, however, is the opposite it's usually switched off. It is slow, conscious, calculating, and logical. One uses it for complex calculations, analysing data and for learning new skills. The problem is that System 2 is lazy, and it takes focused efforts to switch it on. Therefore, people fail to use it in many situations and rely on intuition instead.

Tell us about the perks of Robotics Process Automation(RPA)in Business.
Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman, in his book "Thinking Fast and Slow”(2011), describes two ways of human thinking System 1 and System 2. As he describes, System 1 is always switched on. It’s automatic, fast, unconscious, and stereotypical. Never in doubt, system 1 is extremely quick and efficient in recognizing known patterns and fitting the new concepts into the established perspectives. It is at work while you are driving on an empty road without thinking and can read text on billboards without paying attention. At workplace, System 1 makes you feel comfortable in familiar situations; how ever, it also leads you away from data driven decision making towards intuition and biases. System 2, however is the opposite it's usually switched off. It is slow, conscious, calculating and logical. One uses it for complex calculations, analysing data and for learning new skills. The problem is that System 2 is lazy, and it takes focused efforts to switch it on. Therefore, people fail to use it in many situations and rely on intuition instead.

Today’s knowledge workers need to find the right balance of using System 2 for critical decision making while not overloading it with unnecessary tedious operations. Thus, we happily rely on computer systems to operate numbers and other types of structured data. With the technological advancements soaring every day, industry experts have envisioned the future of corporations where incredible productivity is powered by RPA bots that perform repetitive operations across all divisions of the enterprise and cognitive bots adjust unstructured, “human” information into a structured form. This approach will give human workers the time and opportunity to realize their creative
potential working on projects and ideas

that will improve our future.

According to your expertise, how can businesses cut their Processing cost significantly with Robots(RPA)?
Sitting right at the centre of this phenomenal IT trend is Glosap Consulting Group. We are one of the leading RPA (Robotics Process Automation) and RaaS (Robotics-as-a-Service) Service Providers across the globe and serving a plethora of Globalclients for Productivity Improvement and maximising their profitability by adopting latest technologies. Glosap is an Innovative solution provider and partnering with SAP, Microsoft, Intelligent Technologies and solution providers. Hence, Glosap’s team has brushed business process optimization skills and knowledge for handling different enterprise applications for the past 14+ years in the global market.

Glosap’s RaaS solution, empowers enterprises to dramatically reduce operational costs, increase efficiency, improve productivity and accelerate performance

Talking about Robotics, RPA is the use of software to 'mimic' the actions a human user would perform at scale, to automate business processes. RPA is best suited for processes that are highly repetitive, rule based and use structured data (e.g. asset transfers debit balance clearing, reconciliations, etc). When our clients use RPA effectively, we have seen average handling times reduced by up to 40 percent and processing costs that could be up to 80 percent lower.

Many people often asked about the difference between Robotic Process Automation(RPA)and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Some even confused the two to be the same. RPA is a software robot that mimics human actions, where as AI is the simulation of human intelligence by machines. The key advantage of using an RPA and AI solution is that you can achieve straight through processing(with minimal human intervention). Glosap team have developed many AI & RPA ready made plug in type BOTS for multiple ERP, CRM and enterprise applications, also having Industry specific easy deployment BOTS for realizing quick ROI for our clients.

What do you intend to deliver and achieve with RaaS (Robots-As-A-Service) Digital Work force at ZeroUpfront Cost?
Glosap’s RaaS solution, empowers enterprises to dramatically reduce operational costs, increase efficiency, improve productivity and accelerate performance. Robotics-As-A-Service(RaaS) is a new business model where robots are offered as a service rather than as a product to manage an organization's most manual, mundane, repetitive or hazardous tasks across multiple locations.

Robotics as a Service(RaaS) is a unique model which is a combination of cloud computing, AI, robotics and shared services. With RaaS clients don’t really need to buy an integrated solution instead, they can lease the robotic devices as a cloud based service.

Glosap’s RaaS model offers flexible purchasing procedure that helps buyers maintain their bottom line. Further to this, enhanced employee engagement, customer satisfaction and loyalty are some of the turnaround factors which make Robotics as a Service(RaaS)the special ingredient of futuristic businesses.

RaaS helps in:
•Improve productivity at minimal costs
•Enables a smarter business network
•Focus employees on high-value tasks
•Cost sharing between companies
•Flexible and scalable solution model
•Control centre for allocating resources
•Choice between pay per use and fixed prices

The most essential benefit of Glosap’s RaaS is that end users can now shift their capital expenditure(CAPEX) to an operational expenditure (OPEX), allowing them to deploy solutions without large upfront costs.

Please list a few projects for us.
Our team has executed many RPA projects for major Global MNCs for the past few years. We use RPA for our clients to improve quality by cutting manual intervention of detailed, repetitive, processes and delivering error free results. Efficiency savings and increased productivity by returning hours back to the business to be repurposed on higher value initiatives. Some of the RPA projects and case studies are

1.Invoice 3-way matching SAP S/4 HANA /ECC 6.0
Invoices are to be validated and Processed in SAP based on the purchase order details, Goods Received and Vendor Document details.

2.Logistics Container Estimation
For one of the leading Logistics Company in Thailand, Glosap deployed a BOT which estimates the Container Service cost and details based on the Excel and Image of the container. The BOT then uploads the same in their shipment chain web application. Feedback mail for the estimation is also activated.

3.E-Invoice Processing in Microsoft AX /GP application
E-Invoices are linked between a web application and Microsoft GP application. Based on the invoice PDF all the required values are scraped from the document and uploaded onto the

GP application. The invoices are scraped based on the total amount and a Payment Voucher is generated accordingly.

4.Material Master Creation SAP S/4 HANA
In this system, the end user requests BOT for creation of new material masters in the production Server, BOT will validate the input material master template for the mandatory values and pre-existence of the material in server. If any duplicate entry found, BOT will send the mail to the user. If no duplicate is found, BOT creates the new material in Production machine and updates the user with a mail.

5.Procure-to-Pay Cycle in SAP S/4 HANA[AP Process Automation]
Based on the input template, BOT validates the file and uploads the Data in respective T code to create the Purchase Request, Purchase Order Goods Receipt and Invoice Processing. BOT then sends the feedback mail to the respective user.

6.Service Request & Incident report in HR Module
BOT downloads all the service requests and incidents recorded for the 12 Business Units of the Global Organisation from the HRIQ web portal withthe given credentials. BOT then validates all the data and generates 12 Work books with the BAR CHARTS, LINE CHARTS & PIE CHARTS for the 12 Business Units and generates the PPT file and send generated report to the respective Business Owners.

7.User Transaction Audit report SAP S/4 HANA
Glosap is developing a BOT that generates an SAP User transaction audit report for a majorOil and Gas organisation in Malaysia. It states which all users are accessing the right t-code and also their login time in the SAP application. At the end, BOT sends the report to the Manager for Audit purposes.

8.Invoice Processing in SAP S/4 HANA based on Approval[ 3 way Matching]
After processing the Goods receipt the BOT will wait for the Approval mail from the manager based on the feedback of the manager as approved or declined the BOT will perform the invoicing in the SAP application for PO Invoices and NON-PO Invoices.

9.Lead and Account Creation in CRM
Glosap is deploying the BOT to one of the major Sales & Service Company in India to perform the Lead and Account creation for their new Business Partners in the Customized CRM application. The BOT action is based on the Input template from the salesperson. The feedback mail is sent to the user as well as manager after successfully creating Lead and Account.

This means using BOT as a service to perform Human actions. BOT Time sheet is recording each and every process irrespective of the domain and process in a BOT. At the end of every month, the time sheet is getting validated and charging as per the number of transactions per month.

What’s your blueprint for the future in promising years ahead?
Having delivered such a vast number of successful SAP, AI and RPA projects, Glosap Consulting Group has truly made an impression on the firm’s global presence. With our Decades of experience, we’ve developed many AI & RPA ready made plug in type BOTS for Multiple Enterprise and Industry Specific applications for easy deployment for realizing quick ROI for our clients. This only catapults us for a planet wide market share in the enterprise domain with several more years of success, excellence and prosperity.

Venkatesh Babu, Managing Director
Given the dynamic pace at which technologies are being adopted within industries and market in Asia it is important for companies especially for small medium enterprises to maximize their productivity and efficiency, so as to not fall back in the cut throat competition to establish prominence in their respective industries. Glosap Consulting Group is the name that answers to wide range of business questions and bottle necks.

Established in the year 2006,by Venkatesh Babu, Glosap Group has its headquarters at Singapore. Glosap’s Indian arm Glomatriz Technologies Private Limited is based out of Chennai. Glosap is an enterprise software solution provider, offering SAP and Microsoft services such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management(CRM), IoT, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI)&Robotics Process Automation (RPA) and Robotics-As-A-Service (RaaS) solutions. Being a channel partner of SAP and Microsoft, Glosap’s specialty surrounds SAP S/4 HANA, SAP C/4 HANA, SAP All-in-One(A1), SAP Business One (B1), SAP Analytics, Intelligent Technologies, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (BC), MS Dynamics CRM solutions and Managed services. Glosap has been working towards its goal to enable companies to use information technology(IT) to maximize their potential and focus the clients get the best possible returns on their IT investments. With a network of Global Competency consultants worldwide, Glosap’s clients are assured that they will always receive latest Technologies and Innovative solutions, enabling them to be well informed about how it can aid their company’s development. Following is an excerpt of our interesting conversation with the Managing Director of Glosap narrating his inspiring journey.

In conversation withVenkatesh Babu, Managing Director, Glosap Consulting Group, Singapore

Current Issue
Glosap Consulting Group: Introducing Businesses to AI & Robotics