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CIOInsider India Magazine


Kemppi: Pioneers in Robotic Welding Solutions

Rashmi Ranjan Mohapatra,MD

Kemppi has been successfully spear heading the welding industry in India for the past decade onwards. Headquartered in Chennai together with their subsequent branch in Pune, Kemppi has been growing exponentially in the Robotics building market for the past 3 years. Their offering includes a wide range of solutions from developing welding management software to building robotic welding equipments. Recently awarded as the winners of Nationa lWomen Welding Competition, Avirup Ghosh, the company’s Business Leader Robotics further elaborates on the work engagements of Kemppi in the conversation below.

In conversation with Avirup Ghosh, Business Leader Robotics And Rashmi Ranjan Mohapatra, MD, Kemppi.

Robotic welding techniques are expected to offer a much clear and qualitative output, being driven mainly by the automotive sector. Kindly elaborate how Kemppi is positioned in the robotic welding industry with its expertise and opportunities.
Kemppi has grown exponentially in the last couple of years especially in the Robotics Welding market. The main reasons behind Kemppis’s monumental growth have been the Robotic Welding machine that is IoT 4.0 popularized A7. It is much more versatile and it is much more robot friendly as it connects to any branded robots. The second advantage what we have is that we are having two robotic solution centres one in Pune,

and the other one in Chennai. Those are located at the prime location where people are looking for solutions.

The main reasons behind Kemppis’s monumental growth have been the Robotic Welding machine that is named as A7

Regarding the market, from around 2019 there has been a slow down in the automobile division. Automobile segment is largish to grow because there are a lot of dangers lurking. Electric Vehicles are coming up hence, there are a loT of changes in the designs and there are variations coming up in the four wheeler market. Kemppi has penetrated the market mostly in the manufacturing sector. There fore, we were not hit by the automotive slow down. We were selling as a single power source previously and now we are providing it as a solution to the customers who are facing issues regularly not only for the products but from maintaining issues, and quality issues.

Being a process that steadfastly gets the job done with efficiency consistent cycle time and leaves no break in production robotic welding speeds up the entire project. Tell us about the key products and services offered by Kemppi to clients looking for efficient welding requirements.
Kemppi is the biggest brand in the Welding sector. We have a very strong presence in the railways sector we are strong in manufacturing and the Fabrication department too. In the scenario of Indian market condition, we are providing solution of a Manual and Robotic welding. From building a ship to a small pin everything has some kind of a welding involved. As far as Robotic welding is concerned from 2018 we have started

very strongly in the robotic field. We have collaborated with most of the Robotic arm builders worldwide.

Kindly share a success story of your organization to be highlighted in the profile wherein the client's requirements were successfully met.
We have worked very recently for a project not with a customer, but it is for an Indian defence agency where we are supplying the Brahmos Missile to the Indian government. Brahmos missile parts are of a very special material that has not been welded previously. We have asked customer for a wire which they can provide. They have sent those wires to Finland where we have developed a software according to the requirement and rebuild their entire products.

Brief us on any innovation or up gradation which is going to be introduced in the future?
We will be ready for whatever new challenges that is coming up and not only for the power sources that we are already giving as a solution to the customers, but new developments will always be in. Kemppi is one of the biggest brands in the European market, and we take inputs from all the people who are already in the market doing the welding, and according to that we will be providing solutions to anybody who needs it. There are some new launches also coming up by mid of this year which will be very exciting to the Indian scenario.

What is the road map that has been envisioned by Kemppi for its future?
As we witness Kemppis’s market share growing in the Robotic market end. We had predicted the growth of robots will increases in India though less compared to that of China,but if you compare according to manual power sources the robotic power sources are increasing, and Kemppi helps put up a talent to penetrate all the divisions that are possible to do welding in robotics. Therefore, we are ready for the market and, we intend to be present in the entire segment.

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