Shaina Panjwani
Smart Telematics & Ventures Private Limited is an ISO 9001 2015 Certified Company, providing GPS based Vehicle Tracking Solutions. Established in 2010, the company is headquartered in Surat with an overseas office in Atlanta, USA. Smart Telematics offers innovative and cost-effective vehicle tracking, employee tracking, face detection & recognition and other management solutions. The firm works actively towards promoting digital India and new India concept. The director of Smart Telematics gives us a detailed insight on the firm’s digital initiatives.
Employees are the foundation of any business. Without a talented and motivated team, a company cannot thrive. While employees are no doubt up to the task, tracking their productivity is important. What advancements via GPS tech, is Smart Telematics making for a more employee centric workplace?
We, at Smart Telematics, have developed exceptional competency in enabling businesses to monitor the movement of its employees, drivers, vehicles or any other mobile asset accurately. As a GPS tracking solution provider, Smart Telematics offers effective solutions to track vehicles and mobile assets of clients. More so, our highly skilled GPS fleet consultants assist businesses to achieve an end to end solution. Through our system, customers are empowered to track vehicle, its speed at any given point of time, route mapping, and fuel monitoring- all in real time.
Satellite technologies have evolved to the point that nearly every smart device comes equipped with the ability to track and re¬port GPS location. What kind of products has Smart Telematics & Ventures introduced to help
businesses improve communication within a mobile workforce?
Looking at the current market scenario and as government is making GPS compulsory in various segments; we have developed various applications in our scalable software that would cater the entire AIS 140 device that government is defining as mandatory. Our software is capable to handle live tracking, fuel monitoring, employee tracking, camera monitoring, temperature monitoring and other relevant and customize solution as per client's need.
Our product called TaskEye, is a carefully designed task management software that remarkably simplifies task management and field staff monitoring. Assisting businesses in enhancing their company environment and productivity, this tool gives the opportunity to access task and to-do list any time, from anywhere. This task management solution allows tasks to be arranged and planned out in a way that every employee is allocated his/her tasks well in advance, thereby improving the overall on-field performance significantly. Expense tracking of the user, leave management, live tracking of employees, and workflow reports are few of the essential features that make TaskEye a must-have companion of businesses.
What other products do you have in place to help businesses track their fleet?
We sure have a product in place for the same. It’s called Trakzee. Trakzee is built to help keep user updated on the fleet in just 15 seconds. All vital information is listed in this single dashboard. This application avails updates of complete fleet stats, real time object status, fleet live location, categorized fleet, and total fuel usage of fleet. Trackzee offers a host of modules that looks into the well being of a business’ fleet. The modules include fleet maintenance, fuel monitoring, tyre management, MDVR, OBD analytics, RPM monitoring, temperature and Geofence & POI.
Face detection technology has been doing wonders across the R&Ds of organizations worldwide. What are your advancements in the same?
Introducing the Live Face Detection Attendance solution. We are focused on deploying this dynamic technology for live attendance. This is a new era of
IoT and we are keen on managing our clients’ Employees’ attendance using our Live Face detection Solution. We deliver the live solution with your existing camera. Our Solution is simple and distinctive. This product is designed for mostly taking Indoor/Outdoor Attendance, Just add the Face in our application and your Attendance system is Live. Say Bye Bye to the Old Pattern of taking Attendance using RFID or BioMatrix. Welcome to the New technology of Face Recognition system. This is new frontiers in attendance systems. This Solution is very help full for Factories, Cooperates, School, Colleges, Government Office and other areas where major Employees work.
Over the years, Smart Telematics must have touched crucial milestones. Tell us about your turnkey ventures and achievements.
We have indeed achieved great feats so far. During Aga Khan’s visit to India in February 2018, we successfully tracked about 50,000 people from their respective locations across Gujarat to GMDC ground in Ahmedabad. We tracked them till they reached home safely during this religious event. The tool used was Live mobile GPS App. More so, we have been awarded as Young Turks of Gujarat by Divya Bhaskar. We have successfully participated in the Surat Smart City project for the GPS domain and are currently serving in a couple of Smart City Projects in India.
Having made such remarkable implementations & achievements, what further do you plan for the future of Smart Telematics?
Smart Telematics & Ventures Private Limited is a globally growing company with a vision to establish a strong network in India, SAARC countries & USA. The vision aligns with their inclination to grow extensively as an Artificial Intelligence solution provider company globally.
Our latest offering involves a unique concept of gathering Live Attendance through a camera-coupled solution that uses facial recognition and delivers live attendance for small medium & large enterprise. With more than 400+ satisfied clients with us currently, we are looking further for local, national & international distributors/partners to expand our portfolio to far stretched geographies.