Kamala Devarakonda
Artificial intelligence has given a wide scope almost in the length and breadth of every organization and industry. The technology is not only intended to work on applications but also plays a key role to learn, re-learn, unlearn, analyze, and predict. Organizations in various fields like weather forecasting, healthcare, sports, financial sector, E-commerce and other different types of manufacturing industries too have gained greater advancements in productivity, service and revenue generation. Todsys was established by a team of Professionals who worked with leading global brands in Technology. Promoters have been in the Industry for more than 2 decades. Its main office is situated in Financial District, Gachibowli and Hyderabad.
Todsys has its own significant way of addressing building blocks and helping organizations setup their AI CoE in an optimized way with better driven performance. “Todsys delivers Artificial Intelligence across all sectors like Manufacturing, healthcare, IT, Finance, transportation, organizations and industries. It recommends the most updated Artificial intelligence tools, techniques and methodologies, in alignment with the best of Cyber security configuration, IoT, Data science & Analytics Ecosystem” states Kamala Devarakonda, Promoter, Todsys Technologies.
Enterprises who have integrated Artificial Intelligence will be on the top
list of the following financial year. Todsys’ Machine learning and Deep learning advances help businesses make sense, right from detecting cancer to understanding consumer preference of purchases. It is also known for giving organizations the ability to have surplus productivity by spending fewer hours and reducing operational costs. Todsys swiftly develops algorithmic work bench tools and frame works in AI and ML platform. Its platforms and frameworks are more efficient because Todsys AI system extract data and makes it intelligent. AI requires a big time consumption for ready data for any machines to learn and unlearn. Todsys AI system has an intelligent data Process or that makes the data ready for machines to learn. This forms Todsys’ core USP. The basic nature of the data is independent resulting in more efficiency in data processing and learning by Todsys AI system.
Todsys swiftly develops algorithmic work bench tools and frameworks in AI and ML platform
Encompassing Diverse Verticals
Todsys delivers AI solutions to large health care firms, financial sector, Genomics, Radiomics, clinic data and also detects liable frauds for banks. Its AI framework is largely used by banks all over the world for detecting fraud, fix automated STP (Straight through Processing) transaction error and enhance end user experience management. Todsys uses different solutions that actually strengthen with compliance to the existing regulation in financial crime mitigation engines and efficient transaction processing that minimizes the errors in machine learning. Todsys Technologies is currently working for banking sector evolving its procedures through Artificial Intelligence. Businesses are thriving by integrating AI that makes their system & devices powerful &
intelligent to serve their customers in an efficient and effective way. Todsys AI system is purely designed for almost every scale of enterprise with components like AI foundations, Smart data, AI models suite and clear visions for banking firms about AI enabled ‘Intelligent Banking’. Todsys actively helps banks to improvise from Digital Banking to ‘Intelligent Banking’ with banking AI CoEs and install the right technology & human resource for a successful AI journey.
Currently, Todsys is working with New Zealand’s leading telecom company. The firm is integrating SIM data with Mini smart data locks to avoid SIM Cloning. A superior AI based AntiCloning Mechanism is also implemented that uses deep learning and hyper cyber security system. Being the first of its kind in the world with regards to Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning, the project made SIM Cloning for any SIM of New Zealand’s organization impossible.
Todsys has also worked with one of the leading Singapore based Personalized Genomics and DNA analysis medicine firm. Its inhouse AI and Algorithmic team gave analysis on their Genomic Data, Clinical Data and Radionomics in an exceptional way. Todsys’ AI technology is also helping this firm to conduct neonatal scan and provides information on Mother’s cancer protein present in the blood. An EME A banking firm also found their solution with Todsys to redesign financial crime recognition system with applied AI to the current finance rules and regulations. With such exceptional advancements in the AI domain, Todsys is further conducting incredible research and development in Semantics, Ontology that pushes its system to operate on Information layer rather than data layer.
Todsys Technologies has been working with several MNCs in terms of Establishing the AI CoE and Global Capability Centres here in India and help them to establish right resources, Data and Tools/Technologies.