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Nitin Gadkari Asks Amazon To Handhold Indian MSMEs On Amazon Platform

CIO Insider Team | Tuesday, 21 July, 2020
CIO Insider Team

The Indian Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has requested e-commerce giant Amazon to handhold small Indian businesses on the Amazon platform and help them in marketing and global consumer preferences.

Gadkari said at the launch of ‘Amazon India Exports

Digest 2020’ on Monday, “I need your support, specifically in the rural, agricultural, tribal areas, 115 aspirational districts – we need to take them into the mainstream of our economy.”

This move will help in promotion of small businesses in the country and also boost Amazon India’s turnover.

Gadkari also said, “I request you (to see) if it is possible for finding a solution for small industries – micro and small and medium. With your international exposure, if you can plan product designing, giving new vision to all the entrepreneurs, choices of global consumers, what they prefer. This will be a huge win-win situation for both.”

While addressing the Amazon India leadership, Gadkari said that the government has prioritized upgradation of technology for small businesses.

He said, “Your part is very important as your exposure in the international economy is high. Imbibing that vision, if you can create awareness and make efforts for product development, designing, it is predicted to increase your turnover and help the Indian MSMEs in parallel.”

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