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CIOInsider India Magazine


The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Education System

CIOInsider Team | Friday, 30 August, 2019
CIOInsider Team

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a major topic for discussion nowadays and has also become a part of our normal life. The knowledge of AI, as we know, predominantly comes from sci-fi films and books, futurists, and moviemakers alike have been predicting the amazing changes that will arise with the advent of widespread AI. But in reality, AI hasn’t made any such crazy waves, yet in many ways has quietly become ubiquitous in numerous aspects of our daily lives. Some AI-enabled technology is - the intelligent sensors that help to take perfect photographs, the automatic parking features in vehicles, the sometimes frustrating personal assistants in smartphones, etc, artificial intelligence of one kind which is all around us, all the time.

Not only does AI have the capacity to transform the existing automated management systems, but artificial intelligence is also poised to make better changes in education system. Educationalists, all around the world, anticipate that the role of AI in education will increase dramatically in the next few years. It has the ability to transform the conventional teaching and learning methods technologically. AI does this by seamlessly integrating with eLearning tech and online Learning Management Systems (LMS). To introduce educational technology, such as Virtual and Augmented Reality in classrooms, AI provides real-time teaching and learning experiences to students as well as teachers.

Further, according to the latest Artificial Intelligence Market in the US Education Sector report, AI is expected to grow by 47.5 percent from 2017 to 2021 in the American education market. Even in India, according to a Google and KPMG report, India's e-learning market will grow to USD 1.96 Billion by 2021. And, Edtech startups play a vital role in making this happen. Since then, there were 2400 edtech startups in India in 2012 and afterward, roughly 200 startups open up every year catering to needs of education system in India.

More so, all of this is good news for teachers, as AI can be a great ally for the teacher too. However, some educators fear the advance of AI that it might replace the role of the teacher altogether. But, teachers’ jobs are not at risk of being replaced by robots. Artificial intelligence programs can teach literacy or mathematics; however the more complex impartation of social and emotional skills will always remain in the domain of humans. According to Microsoft and McKinsey’s recent report of over 2,000 students and teachers from Canada, Singapore, UK, and America shows that AI is already providing teachers and schools an innovative ways to understand how their students can progress, as well as allowing them for a fast, personalized, and targeted duration of content.

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