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Virohan Scores $ 3 Million in Series A From Rebright Partners

CIO Insider Team | Tuesday, 18 May, 2021

Virohan, a first-of-its-kind edtech company in healthcare, announced that it has raised additional funds from Rebright Partners to bring its Series A round to a total of $ 3 million, amidst a global pandemic where the Indian Healthcare System is overwhelmed.

The edtech, which provides vocational training for paramedics, will use the funds to open over 160 new campuses across India. It aims to strengthen the Indian healthcare system by building an army of specially trained allied healthcare workers to help combat the ongoing covid-19 crisis.

The funding will also allow Virohan, a.k.a., Allied Healthcare Practitioners to add Virtual Reality-based realistic training to its patented Blended Learning Technology platform.

“Virohan has always envisioned becoming the industry leader through our mission to provide a demand-driven and up-to-date curriculum. With this funding, we plan to educate over 1 million students by 2025, through our best-in-class, Blended Learning platform”, stated Kunaal Dudeja, CEO and Co-founder, Virohan.

On-demand online training through bite-sized videos, real-time quizzes, and gamification are all part of Virohan’s Blended Learning platform. This allows its partner colleges and students to easily move from in-class to online learning.

“This funding is not just going to help us expand operations but will also fuel the Vision and morale of those at Virohan to strive even harder towards our goal and successfully create an army of skilled paramedical workforce for the Indian healthcare system to fight against the ongoing pandemic”, added Dudeja.

"Rebright Partners is excited to partner with Virohan to address the critical gaps in trained Healthcare Para-Professionals in India. Virohan's full-stack offering brings in key stakeholders and partners in the ecosystem together on a common platform to solve the challenges faced by students, trainers, hospitals and healthcare innovators”, stated Brij Bhasin, General Partner, Rebright Partners.

Rebright Partners, elea Foundation for Ethics in Globalization, the Singh Family Trusts, advised by Artha Impact, Yunus Social Business, Better Capital, and Keiretsu Forum were among the investors who contributed to the total fundraise.

Virohan has educated over 5,500 students during the global pandemic, with enrollment expected to nearly double from 1,100 to 2,000 students a year by the end of the year. Female students make up over half of Virohan's student body.

“This funding is not just going to help us expand operations but will also fuel the Vision and morale of those at Virohan to strive even harder towards our goal and successfully create an army of skilled paramedical workforce for the Indian healthcare system to fight against the ongoing pandemic”, added Dudeja.

Virohan uses its end-to-end proprietary ‘technology skill stack' to allow job prediction, aggregate training providers, and standardize processes along the student journey, from mobilization to training content to placements, bridging the gap between market demand and workforce skills.

All of its courses focus on the student's growth of core technical skills, language abilities, and life skills. All programs include extensive internships in hospitals to give students hands-on experience with the skills they've learned. Virohan is a fee-based model, and to attract young people to participate, financial links are provided with simple installment-based payback options after the users have obtained a job.

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