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AQUILA I: Delivering A Single Console Visibility Across Multiple Threat Vectors

Aditya Sawant, CEO

A thriving arena that molds the existing technological advancements to craft benevolent solutions, the cyber security sector is full of promising players who are ready to face the curve balls thrown by the rapidly evolving threat landscape. Acing the list and ensuring a safe digital journey to all its clientele, Aquila I has emerged as a prominent Cyber Security Threat Management firm that promises to deliver single console visibility across the multiple threat vectors for an organization. In a world where the cyber security landscape is constantly evolving, and new threats emerge each day, Aquila I takes pride in providing optimum cybersecurity services to every customer out in the market and helps them derive maximum value out of it. Conceived in 2020 with an intention of providing enterprise as a security product for every organization, Aquila I is predominantly engaged in improving the strength of the client organizations from any kind of cyberattacks. Headquartered in Mumbai and headed by Aditya Sawant (CEO), Aquila demonstrates exponential growth potential and has been able to carve its identity as one of the trailblazing startups across the cyber security industry.

In conversation with Aditya Sawant, CEO, Aquila I

How Is IT Different From Other Competitors Operating In The Cyber Security Domain?
Even if the market is flooded with numerous players claiming to provide industry specific solutions, they remain scattered causing a now and then ambiguity. Envisaging it as a gap, we have managed to bring forth a consolidated solution that caters across multiple sectors in one single platform. This has also helped the organizations in ensuring that they can do much more or derive much more output out of a single solution than being there from multiple platforms. Offering niche solutions in the market currently, we are regarded as the security leaders orthe ICT leaders of the industry. Equipped with better control and apt handle, we are able to prevent any mishaps on a

security angle even before they happen.

The company's USP is pretty simple and it encompasses two major factors. As I mentioned earlier, one is about having a consolidated solution that addresses multiple cyber threat vectors. With multiple threat vectors captured across in one single platform, they will be able to derive a lot of value across ROI which is high and the operational cost of running multiple solutions is low. Our second USP is our service based
approach, through which we don't leave the product at the doorstep of the customers and help the product in getting implemented, without being an additional burden to a CISO. So, our whole approach is basically creating a scenario where we are able to protect the organization in a better way by deriving a clearcut output for an organization, helping them from a security standpoint.

Our products have emerged as benchmark currently, via which we have been able to help our client organizations in creating different standards and distinguished thresholds for tackling their cyber security issues

Founded In 2020, How Has Been Your Company's Journey So Far? Reflect On Some Of The Note Worthy Achievements Of The Firm.
Having aligned with apt distribution partners, we have been able to forge a strong network of channel business, which has been happening ever since our inception. We have been able to forge a strong connection through our distribution business, by basically providing services and delivering our product across many organizations around the globe. Being a startup gradually fabricating its presence in the Indian market we are heavily targeting the UAE market and have a channel partner distribution center now in Oman. Having a strong presence with

customers, who have understood the kind of value proposition we get into the market with our solution, and with that, we are gearing up for global expansions in the future as well.

While Almost Every Industry Vertical Is More Or Less Affected By The Covid, What Was The Scenario For The Cyber Security Domain? What Were The Novel Strategies Implemented By You To Overcome The Pandemic Induced Obstacles?
Although COVID did impact a lot of businesses, cyber security was one of the business domains to be impacted the least and was the important pillar out there. When industries moved into the digital transformation journey, we as an OEM or a product company ensured that the digital transformation journey
was being pushed across one layer above, and we are able to deliver the value. As remote working emerged as the new reality of the corporate sector, we ensured that the digital journey of the employees who were working from home or the CISOs of the organization are secure. We did take the necessary steps to prevent phishing attacks, ransomware attacks, email-based attacks and so on to help our clients with a smooth transition.

What Is The Future Roadmap Of Aquila I? Where Does It Envision Itself In The Coming Years?
In the future, we intend to grow in multifolds. Being a startup firm, we have been growing exponentially so far and are able to make a substantial name for ourselves within the cyber security industry. We are in the middle of the process where we are aiming to expand into the North American, UAE, and European regions as well. We are also envisaging a significant rise in our customer base and most of our customers belong to the BFSI, manufacturing, logistics, transportation, pharmaceutical, mutual fund domains, who are aligned with us from a security perspective. So, we do quite a lot of business and customer activity from that perspective. At present, we have almost 50 Plus customers whom we serve with our complete bouquet of services and delivery. We are planning to incorporate some major innovative products and services across our portfolio, which will also boost our customer growth.

Current Issue
AQUILA I: Delivering A Single Console Visibility Across Multiple Threat Vectors