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Infocus: Integrating Business Consulting in SAP Domain to Cater New Technologies

Premasish Sur,Head Sales & Marketing

Premasish Sur

Head Sales & Marketing

Infocus Technologies started its journey in 2007 as a Business Consulting Information Technology Implementation Service Company. The Kolkata based company primarily focuses on SAP Consulting, Implementation, Support and Cloud Deployment & managed services.
The company’s services and solutions in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) domain are implementations, version upgrades for the existing systems, migration from legacy systems to S4 HANA and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) solutions, technical functional enhancements and support sustenance services on the cloud or otherwise.

Infocus brings its unique value proposition of being perhaps the only “SAP on AWS” expertise boutique ERP service provider within the addressable geography (predominantly the Eastern part of the country and northern, southern parts to a certain extent) of the company as on date.

Services on AWS cloud being in the capacity of an AWS consulting partner. Moreover, the director of the company will state further how the company helps customers in migrating and hosting SAP infrastructure on AWS cloud.

In conversation with Premasish Sur, Head Sales and Marketing, Infocus Technologies

The customers now look to extend their digital capabilities and use enhanced functionalities of SAP to strengthen their competitive advantage in the market and delve into technologies like IoT, Blockchain, and others. How does Infocus help organizations thrive in the digital era?
In this digital era, we assist and help customers digitally by moving them from an environment of islets of discrete and unintegrated applications

pool to a single source of truth by way of SAP S4/HANA ERP powered by state of the art AWS Cloud. Even existing SAP users fraught with the obsolescence and limitations of a private cloud may take the benefit of moving to AWS cloud through Infocus’ cloud and ERP capabilities.

The company's ERP system enables its customers to run their business processes, including accounting, sales, production, human resources, and finance, in an integrated environment. What kind of services and solutions does Infocus provide to keep pace with the changing time?
The USP of Infocus is that of being a boutique advisory consulting firm, many companies are doing that with implementation and infrastructure but what makes us different is that we are providing the SAP licensing service, SAP Implementation, SAP Support, AWS Infrastructure Implementation and management all as a single window to the customers planning to embark their journey of ERP Implementation and its sustenance and enhancements. And further to this we have been providing additional advisory consulting in the cloud perspective that is IoT, Big Data, Blockchain, and Analytics.

We want to be a boutique consulting firm that will be a one-stop efficient service provider for all cloud services

What are the pain-points that your customers come up to you with? How do you help them through these challenges?
The major challenge we face in the field is to persuade the customer to shift from their old on-premise infrastructure to the cloud. The customer is wishful to adapt to the new environment of digital era i.e. cloud, but are apprehensive of data security so also the idea of having an enterprise class software like S4/HANA to be run out of a public cloud, while others are apprehensive of the very idea of an S4/HANA being run on AWS cloud, resistance to change from the current to the latest seems unattainable given the primitive manpower capabilities of these organizations. They have many questions related to it like the security of the cloud, compatibility, propensity and ability to consume technology and other related issues which we help them

by showing multiple case references of our S4 HANA instances running on AWS Cloud and providing various white papers on AWS Cloud to educate their technical resources.

Please quote 1 or more implementation story that has or have left a mark in the company’s success.
Infocus worked with a leading TMT manufacturer, which is a thousand plus crore steel producing company with 4 different organizations, two composite steel entities, one mining, and one EPC company. We approached them last year to give a presentation to the top management of the organization on the facilitators of growth for their kind of industry in the face of tough competition and slow market growth. The power of information being key to fast decision-making was the pitch, and the enablers of the same were none other than SAP and AWS. The MD of the group did see reasons with our contention, at the same time, was apprehensive of the result and quality of the result, if promise shall actually match with reality post implementation. The board set a daunting task for Infocus, they wanted the implementation to be completed in 100 days for all four entities in a big bang approach. With the help of our team, our strong domain expertise and efficient project management, we achieved our goal on time and the best part is we executed SAP License, SAP Implementation, deployment on AWS cloud. Now we are providing sustenance support to the group and they are talking to us now regarding the other value added areas of service under the SAP umbrella.

What new and exciting future innovation plan is Infocus bringing forth in the market?
We want to be a boutique consulting firm that will be a one-stop efficient service provider for all services around SAP S4/HANA and AWS Cloud services. In the near future, we plan to reach globally, and reach with our services beyond domestic borders to the Middle East, Europe, and many other countries. We are present in some of the African countries today, and predominantly in Eastern India with forays in the northern and southern geographies of the country.

Our vision is to achieve the objectives by having an agile, customer-centric synergic approach within the ecosystem, with complete integrity, employee empowerment, and teamwork.

Current Issue
Being Cloud Ready with AWS