Mahesh Pathak
Founder & CEO
Having a solutions mindset and experience of working with consulting firms, product based organizations and start-ups of different stages and sizes, Oneture Technologies is at a vantage point for any concept to be implemented in a digital transformation journey. Headquartered in Mumbai, the company is specialized in developing concept-to-customers’ innovation, and scalable digital solutions in an agile way. The founder of the company will later explain how Oneture helps clients to take advantage of the limitless possibilities of Cloud, Serverless, Big Data Analytics, and ML platforms offers.
In conversation with Mahesh Pathak, Founder & CEO, Oneture Technologies
New measures are deployed on cloud-based products to enhance organizational management and enterprise solutions. Being an AWS partner in India, how is Oneture Technologies positioned in the market?
Oneture stands out as a Product Management team with expertise in cutting-edge Digital technologies, especially in AWS. We can approach a complex development task without distractions when working as part of an extended team, allowing core members to work creatively and contribute to a more innovative product. We not only leverage tools and partnerships but also bring latest information about technology, domain, market and practices that helps clients to develop
more innovative approaches and speed up the development processes.
This is the era of Big Data and it demands a way to analyze, extract and deal with data sets from a large pool of mixed data. In what ways does Oneture Technologies help in managing Big Data for getting meaningful insight from a voluminous set?
We believe data is the new currency of the digital world. And, enterprises are yet to unleash the full potential of data from inside and outside, unlocking new business opportunities that help data to flow in every part of the organization. Oneture provides relevant engineering expertise in the cloud which is based on design, integration and professional services for data movement, ingestion and data management to ensure one derives meaningful value from their existing setup. At the core of this reference architecture, the solution implements a variety of services with the benefits of the opensource platforms and serverless AWS microservices. Within this solution, the data lake serves as a central data pool for other services. Other platforms and micro-services can leverage this data lake to get the relevant insights for your business without any constraints of data volume or velocity.
Oneture focuses mostly on collaboration with clients and AWS to extract enhanced value from the cloud
The main challenge pertaining to cloud-native is – how well one can adopt a new cloud-native mind¬set which reorganizes people, processes and create culture & capabilities that helps to move an idea into production quickly and efficiently. Apparently, cloud-native is more than the technology, whether
one is working towards all-in deployment, large-scale migration, or a gradual shift towards cloud-native principles. Oneture focuses mostly on collaboration with clients and AWS to extract enhanced value from the cloud, by leveraging deep and specialized experience.
Tell us about Oneture Technologies’ ventures that has earned significant recognition for the company?
When it comes to transforming ideas into reality, most of the clients face three main challenges – firstly, budgets and staffs are limited; second, time to market (it would be out dated or too competitive) and lastly, access to relevant product management and technical talent at affordable price points. To solve this, we approach the client problem statement as if it is our own business. We put ourselves in client shoes, align our incentives with client’s objectives, and collaborate to unlock the full potential of the underlying opportunity. Be it marketplace development for Ubuntoo LLC or payments platform built for Cashless Technology or big data, data engineering and analytics for a private-sector financial institute; Oneture stands out to emphasize on Ideation, Product Management and hands-on team with expertise in cutting-edge Digital technologies.
What future roadmap have you conceived for Oneture Technologies being one of the best AWS partners in India?
As we move forward in the future, Oneture will continue to partner with clients to transform ideas into reality. The company will continue to help clients take advantage of the limitless possibilities of modern-day application development practices across Native to Cloud, Serverless, Bigdata Analytics and AI/ML frameworks/platforms offer. We will also embrace ‘startup-like agility with enterprise-like maturity’ philosophy, and build deep full-stack development, product management expertise and service offerings that can help clients at all stages of the product lifecycle and business maturity.