Saurabh Verma
Technology Head
From defining strategic direction to simply serving business consulting services organizations have found extricable importance in the success journey of most large organizations. Things are no different with Gurugram headquartered Ingenious Corporate Solutions(ICS)Private Limited. With Business consulting Practice being its super strength, ICS assists customer with the complete life-cycle from consulting to actual execution. The company provides customized solutions and services that support enterprise-wide automation initiatives including customer and employee education, vendor-specific software migrations and new product launches.ICS engages its expert, consulting team to bring differentiation to regular solutions demanding high on data and performance using data science techniques. ICS specializes in predictive analytics and machine learning based solutions that address critical issues in the current context such as improving customer engagement and resource management. The company’s methodology relies on the principle of knowledge translating into actions, i.e. harnessing the power of historical as well as real-time data to help capture the trend and sentiment. ICS integrates these tools and techniques with technology, and custom IoT devices to deliver across various industries.“We devise optimum techniques And strategize to minimize infrastructural costs without bothering the scarcity of skilled resources for the organizations facing challenges in data acquisition and ingestion while deploying analytics”, elaborates Saurabh Verma, Lead Solutions Architect,ICS. The expert panel at ICS touches the entire array of nodes in the process,from data to information to insights, and empowers businesses to make faster and better decisions with reduced time to drive valuable insights.
ICS has an indigenous platform for the organizations implementing BI and AI solutions;which is positioned as Insights-as-a-service addressing information overload challenges. The company's visual analytics approach combine concepts from big data Hadoop, machine learning,human computing interaction, and advanced interactive visual interfaces to support the analysis of large amounts of data just-in-time.
Inception of ICS, 4years back,witnessed the organization focusing solely on keeping teams happy. The organization believed in the philosophy that if people are motivated and kept happy, the people in turn will keep customers delighted. This is testified by the fact that ICS continues to get upsell and cross sell opportunities in almost all of their existing accounts. ICS’ began with customer engagement solutions that helped the organization to grow manifold in short span of time. Post that, ICS has been successfully deploying customer engagement solutions with advanced analytics and business intelligence. The organization has successfully created video case studies with customer success stories, with some present on the global pages of Microsoft. ICS has been able to create a well-established and diverse customer base, from the global PLCs to
start-up ventures in various industry
verticals. The majority of customers associated with ICS since their establishment, demonstrated ICS’ strong customer inclination.
The Company’s Visual Analytics Approach Combine Concepts From Big Data Hadoop, Machine Learning, Human Computing Interaction, And Advanced Interactive Visual Interfaces
Strength of the Business
Consulting Team Making the jump from spreadsheets to comprehensive, holistic solutions like Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Dynamics ERP is one of those rare watershed events in the life of a business. ICS has helped organization to move from systems that work in silos to integrated environment. These solutions work on various devices like laptops, tablets and phones(through mobile apps,iOS& Android). At the same time, the solutions can also be accessed on any browser. With a strong practice of learning tools, methodologies and specialized team of trainers, ICS helps organizations to adapt to the new systems at a rapid pace.In turn, this ensures there is no lag in productivity.
ICS has instituted business consulting teams working closely with the technology experts with in the organization to carefully focus towards the business value and keep a track on progress throughout the engagement. The team is led by senior leadership team having an extensive experience in working with few of the largest IT and Consulting organizations like IBM, Oracle, Microsoft& SAP. To stay on top of the industry food chain, a business mandatorily requires expert advice from trusted partners who understand the needs and can design and implement the best solution for the business. The ICS consulting team has been able to stitch an end to end journey for the customers, right from inception of the project to full-fledged delivery of the same. Besides, the right partner for a business will understand its local and global needs, specialize in the exact kind of solution the business is looking for,and can cut whole weeks from the CRM or ERP implementation process.
ICS has always maintained the velocity to be ahead in time and adopted new innovations which helped to serve the customers better; Artificial Intelligence, BigData Analytics and IoT are the latest to follow.
Driving CRM & ERP
Adoption The latest trend in the global CRM and ERP market seems to be the integration of both the software. Integration of two software allows organizations to streamline their business processes and boost productivity. This helps organizations to remove data silos and to enhance efficiency through operations’ optimization. The actual dilemma is the swarm of such solution providers in the market which make it difficult for a business to pick the right one. While most struggle to find the right space and mindshare, ICS’ unique value proposition led to a 100 percent year on year growth for the last 3 years in a row. Among the milestones reached so far, becoming Gold Partner for Dynamics, publishing multiple customer success stories with reputed brands, and publishing and acknowledging industry solutions are the benchmarks.“Three major factors which set us apart are Focus, Innovation and Care”, exclaims Jagpreet.
Most important amongst the three, however, is the‘care’ which is in our DNA as far as our Customers, Employees and Strategic Partners are concerned”, says Jagpreet Singh, Head-Operations and Deployments, ICS.
ICS has also built solutions on mobile, tablets and handheld devices that help customers engage better and deliver doorstep services. The services are offered in a flexible yet robust environment to ensure timely updates, reserving solution security on a private as well as multi-tenancy cloud.
Experience Led Best Approach throughout the Product Life cycle
For the industry, the biggest challenge by far has been talent: upgrading skill sets from those, sufficient to analyze relatively small amounts of trial data, to those required to gain insights from the vast amount of real world data, including unstructured data. ICS is a focused research and development organization that has dedicated team of researchers and technologists. The firm develops and implements sustainable innovative and proactive solutions for various industry verticals that may address current challenges while predicting the processes that may become obsolete or an obstacle in future.
ICS solution approach uses the topnotch technologies, and state-of-the art infrastructure to address consumer challenges.ICS experience spans across multiple industries like manufacturing, distribution, retail and E-commerce, professional services and e-governance. “We have industry experts, multiple point solutions and vast experience of delivery to the leading brands in the industry. Our customers have spoken very high about us on various platforms and we strongly believe our value proposition is unmatched and way ahead in terms of time and business value compared to what our peers have to offer”,says Prashant Sharma,who leads the Sales Consulting for the organization.
During the complete life-cycle from consulting to actual execution, a business surfaces to a number of challenges right from ideation to execution and adoption. During the project lifecycle, the ICS team of experts ensures that the project is delivered in tandem with the vision conceived by the top management with the help of IT and functional teams. As the process enters the solution implementation stage, usually, the standard product requires either customization or an add-on to bring in the solution completion. Another challenge that one faces in the industry is the user adoption challenge. Here arises the requirement of training the core team and user groups as per their expectations and their business functions. ICS has a strong training delivery team that enables users to actually use the solution to its best potential. ICS has introduced the complete set of solution practice that includes the comprehensive customer engagement solution along with ERP,CRM, Mobility, AI, BigData and IoT.
ICS’ past ventures, credentials, clientele and progress graph speaks success and shows that customers have been the spokes person for ICS, which has helped it overcome seemingly difficult bottlenecks. competition has been with the Big Six Consulting firms and large IT service providers of the world, but ICS could find its niche space with clear business value drivers, which has time and again attracted reputed customers and brands to bestow their trust on ICS. AI, BigData, IoT and CRM are the practices ICS is vouching for in the very near future. With such major innovation goals backed by strong customer base, Ingenious Corporate Solutions is expected to make it big in global market.