Vishal Mehra
Co-Founder & VP
iRam is a product development and technology company with most advanced solutions based on Internet of Things(IoT). The products and solutions from iRam are specially designed to make urban living more convenient and comfortable, aligned with the government’s Smart City initiative. iRam’s solutions are home grown, developed in their manufacturing facility in Bengaluru. iRam is known for indigenous technology and entire solution from Field devices/ controllers/sensors, central management software, gateways, user mobile app and POS app etc. is designed and developed by iRam.
In conversation with Vishal Mehra, Co-Founder & VP, iRam Technologies
IoT connects every single device under one server but the connectivity of different IoT servers has been a major issue. As part of the Smart City initiative,how is iRam Technologies prepared to solve this global issue on connecting every single IoT servers used?
iRam Technologies’ smart tech solutions like smart parking, smart environment, smart lighting are interconnected on a single IoT platform. Similarly,there are many platforms available which are integrating various smart city applications onto a single a single IoT platform. Connecting multiple servers securely is not a problem now. There are well defined protocols, API calls and standardization(to some extent) to connect multiple servers now.
Briefly elaborate on the architectural network system and thus iRam’s Smart Street solutions?
iRam’s Smart Street Lighting transforms street lights into intelligent, energy efficient and remotely managed lights;
providing energy savings and thereby reducing Global Warming. The solution consists of individual streetlight controllers which form a wireless mesh and connect to the Internet through a Gateway at aggregation points. This way it avoids unnecessary usage of multiple uplinks to the internet, thereby reducing the operating cost of connectivity.
Furthermore, Smart Street light is one such component which can be monitored and controlled with IoT architecture networking. This implies that one can switch it on or off or dim it as required. Apart from that, we also integrate systems like motion Sensors, and photovoltaic sensors which can help streetlight become more intelligent. For instance, if a streetlight is on at 30 percent luminosity, the moment it senses a motion of a vehicle nearing, the light is designed to spike to 100 percent luminosity. We can put such algorithms or instructions to scale streetlight based on our IoT architecture or network.
Car parking in cities and allotment of the same at malls, bus stops, airports and other public places has been a major problem affecting people’s time and money. In what ways does iRam’s Smart parking solution solve these issues both with the allotment of parking and the environment?
Most parking spaces or commercial buildings have enough parking inventory based on various studies. The issue is changing the behavior of motorists enabling them to find and use the parking inventory efficiently. iRam’s products & applications provide the tools necessary for the owner to optimize existing parking inventory. iRam has created a mobile application for smart parking tech. From this parking application, the user can know about the availability of the parking in a particular area. The app also has an online reservation system for parking, wherein one can book a parking space from the app, thereby saving time and also enabling digital payments. Otherwise parking has always been a cash transaction marred with various challenges of inappropriate charging etc. which we experience on day to day basis while parking our cars.
Share us one of your implementation stories that have made an impact in iRam Technologies’ business?
We are already working for smart cities
in India with actively positioning our solutions like smart environment, smart parking, smart street lighting, and smart poles. One of our ongoing implementations is in Kanpur city. Here, we are providing smart environment monitoring stations and smart parking. This is enabling City administration to know about Air quality parameters in various locations in city on real time basis so as corrective steps can be taken in case parameters crosses acceptable thresholds. In smart parking we are consolidating entire cities parking inventory and making it visible to Citizens. Now citizens can know the parking inventory in particular area, will be guided via best route to that area and even they can reserve and pay online. And we are also promoting digitalization in smart parking where one can pay with the wallet provided in app and field parking operators also have capability now to collect parking fees via credit cards, debit cards or city prepaid cards. Parking historically has been a cash transaction but with new smart parking technology and digital payment methods, the concerned government authorities know the exact revenue collection and status of parking inventory on real time basis. This helps in improving municipal corporation revenue and also in better decision making while planning new investments in parking sites/locations.
There after such progress, what kind of future intervention company is heading towards?
We are a high growth company. We have plans to move beyond the Indian market to do business in the Middle East, African subcontinent and South East Asian countries as well with our existing products and solutions. We are already a 30+ member team and we are expecting to increase this figure to around 75+ by the end of next year. Apart from this, we are working to enhance the capability of our existing IoT Platform to integrate other 3rd party smart city applications and also have defined roadmap to introduce newer technologies like enterprise IoT products for smart campuses & Buildings.
Some products and solutions from iRam’s are:
•Smart Parking Solutions
•Smart Poles
•Smart Lighting
•Smart Environment Solutions
•Customized IoT Solutions