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R Tag: Effectively Enhancing Fleet Efficiencies

Rakesh M Patil, Founder

Based out of Chennai, R Tag has been revolutionizing how fleet owners manage their operations and keep their productivity at pace. R Tag’s IoT based solutions have addressed a number of challenges in Transport and Fleet domain. The founders explain how R tag has a unique positioning in this domain.

In conversation with Rakesh M Patil & Roshan G Patil, Founders, R Tag Solutions

The IoT is a very broad-based technology, transforming everything from consumer devices to large scale manufacturing and industrial applications. How does R-Tag Solutions operate in the space of Internet of Things?
We began our operations in the logistic segment. This is because we found a lot of challenges with the fleet owners not being able to know the actual location of the driver leading to a lot of productivity loss. We integrated the GPS tracking technology with our route management system, and coupled it with an FMS (Fleet Management System) facility to understand the vehicle's maintenance schedule too. By Integrating Google Maps and Open street maps with our software, we are now able to give real time location of the vehicles. We are able to address solutions for a lot of challenges which a majority of companies face during the time of distribution, like malfunctioning of GPS system. We have added-up employee monitoring solutions and complete fleet monitoring solutions which includes on lot of industries like diary logistics, cargo logistics, medical ambulances etc.

Moreover, financial industries, or cash
management industries deal with a lot of cash in hand. We have provided them with special trackers that help in monitoring the employees individually and geofence them. The device which is fixed to the box cannot be detached from it and if they do so, it will automatically send an alert. It can be integrated with a mobile with the help of an application.The productivity of the company in tracking and monitoring is what we are focusing on, and thereby increasing the profitability of our clients. Besides, we offer flexibility in terms of our Pay as you Go service model.

R Tag intends to offer software and a hardware combined rental model which could give the customers flexibility in terms of adoption and usage

What kind of challenges did R Tag, as an innovator faced while bringing the products and solutions to the clients?
The GPS system has been there for a long period in this field, but the network coverage has always been the arch nemesis of such data consuming innovations. We, however, have a dual SIM module which helps in holding the network coverage without breaking. But even in places with no network coverage at all, the device would store the data and pushes it to the server when it reaches a network point. The cost was also very high and we would make sure that it is economical so that people start using this system on a very high scale. People did have concerns about the privacy of their data which is uploaded in the cloud. But we put forth a high security standard and ensured that the software complies with the GDPR standards. Therefore, there will not be any breach in the privacy of customer's vehicle and goods.

How have you maintained the simplification of complex problems through your solutions?

Please explain in terms of any successful implementation.
In one of our successful implementations, we secured a government project where the waste management trucks of municipal corporation were required to be utilized properly. Due to the lack of realtime information of vehicle availability, most of the vehicles were not utilized and the concerned department had troubles with uncleared waste bins across the city. With our help, all their vehicles were segregated according to the ward across the city. They had a single point of view into all their vehicles as to where they are. The other advantage is that they could generate report mentioning the trucks that are parked for long hours in idle mode. Consequently, they could assign that truck to the nearby waste bin that need to be cleaned. The employee monitoring app will notify the driver as to which area needs to be cleaned next. With this the turnaround time in waste management and waste collection will be quick enough. One big advantage is that they need only one person for a particular ward to monitor all these.

Roshan G Patil,Founder

Having achieved such feats in the fleet & transport domain, what further do you plan for R Tag?
R Tag intends to offer software and a hardware combined rental model which could give the customers flexibility in terms of adoption and usage. Primarily, in the years to come, we plan to work towards introducing a cost effective and reliable hardware solution. Integration of our service with other public services for enhanced performance and providing unified solution for monitoring will be a key focus.

Current Issue
Technology Becomes A Common Sight With IoT