Sunil More
Founder, MD & CEO
Today, a vast majority of crowd with relatively ethical standards of living prefer to live in a co-operative housing society or integrated township. With time, the average size of these societies is increasing. More the number of flats or residents, the harder it is to manage them. Creating a name synonymous to property, ScuareX has been building and deploying full-spectrum innovative solutions in property management, ensuring that customers are delighted with these solutions. While bringing their peace of mind, ScuareX solutions allow its users to see appreciated property values. Living by these goals, ScuareX Founder, Sunil More has found a niche in the real estate industry. Based out of Bengaluru, Founded in 2017, ScuareX is a web/app based Housing Society Management and Safety System that has established a firm foothold in Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Indore, Kanpur, Lucknow, Bengaluru, Chennai, Kochi and Hyderabad. Driven by the force and zeal to ensure a shielded environment for homes, ScuareX has always delivered impeccable service and has raised the bar consistently. Below is a transcript of CIO Insider’s conversation with Sunil telling us about ScuareX’s endeavours in the real estate domain.
In conversation with Sunil More, Founder, MD & CEO, ScuareX
Given the remarkable growth in the number of housing societies in India, the IT industry has come forward to boost the real estate economy significantly. What is ScuareX, and how is this firm positioned in the market?
ScuareX is a dynamic conglomeration of multiple dimensions that allow for smooth and efficient management of a residential complex. Factors such as entry/exit of staff & visitors, guests, facilities, assets, expenses, invoicing, tickets, patrolling can be digitally managed and supervised systematically. Moreover, ScuareX plays its part in bringing the community together and engage the residents in a fun and productive manner. We will also soon be starting renting, leasing with buy/ sell capabilities on our portal where customers are offered a full suite of property solution such as Legal Consultation, Property Management, Scientific Vaastu by a certified Relationship Manager. We have set the standards for Service Delivery in the Real Estate Management Industry focused on Customer Delight; hence, the Industry has started to look up to us in setting the following standards. This journey is possible because we co-create solutions with Customers, consistently improving and bring better value to our customers’ life.
Tell us about the flagship offerings of ScuareX, and how do you bring in the balance in a housing society’s safety and administration aspects?
ScuareX’s Housing Society Management and Safety System have made quite a stir in the Indian real
estate market. That is, for all the right reasons. ScuareX’s society management solution is explicitly focused on bringing better value for customers residing in building complexes and management of society affairs. The application effectively brings better value for the maintenance cost paid per month to the society’s association by leveraging the power of AI, ML and Automation.
While pursuing technology solutions, our team identified a lot of loopholes in security systems and processes at building complexeswhich led to crime and accidents. Hence, as part of our endeavour to bring even more value to customers we along with customers co-created ScuareX’s Safety Management module. ScuareX is an easy-to-use application facilitates a wide range of security functions such as courier delivery management, automatic drone patrolling, SOS, Walkie-talkie, video analytics, advanced child exit, clubhouse management, automated vehicle number recognition, QR based guest invitation and approvals, Over-Staying notification for vendors, and biometric staff validation. ScuareX’s Safety Management module has proved to be very useful in safety management of residents, ScuareX has saved about six abductions in the Delhi-NCR region, saved an individual experiencing a stroke, ensured child safety and a lot more crime and accident prevented. In a few other accidents in Mumbai and Delhi, ScuareX’s solution helped identify wild predators intruding the parking complexes of the societies.
Scuarex’s solutions are focused on simplicity while being comprehensive, we leveraged AI and ml in its genes
In Mumbai and Delhi NCR ScuareX has found its stead footing as the most widely implemented society management solutions; given, that ScuareX’s solutions are focused on simplicity while being comprehensive, we leveraged AI and ML in its genes. Security guards are now able to do their job effectively while being able to capture a lot of information and mitigate or steer clear of a lot of unfortunate incidents. In one event a security guard identified an intruding leopard at 3:15 A.M. Unlike dogs, Leopards are usually secretive, and they are nearly impossible to capture in a residential setting. Thanks to the Patrolling and walkie-talkie features in ScuareX, using these two features, the security guard was able to patrol and alert all the other guards of the complex. Eventually, the guards were able to identify the leopard’s way in and out and blocked the path. With this, ScuareX was able to avoid a significant mishap, thereby plugging a lot of similar loopholes with regards to the encounters of people with wild animals.
How has the ScuareX grown so tremendously in just three years? What was the inertia that kept you going?
ScuareX stands on the two most crucial pillars-the customer and the team. I am the foundation holding these pillars, and I believe there is no ScuareX without the customer, and there is no cus-tomer without the team who can listen to. They are like the two faces of a coin, without either of which the coin is invalid.
For customers, we have a Feedforward team responsible for listening and summarizing calls, emails and website chat conversations. This team is also responsible for calling customers with regards to seeking feedback about solutions. The Feedforward team summarises, collates and puts together all the input that is received daily. The information is transferred to the engineering team, and a table discussion is conducted at 11:30 A.M. every day without fail. In this discussion, we discuss the feedforward requirements. Since we actively listen to what the customer is asking and aspiring, we can cater to their demands and also retain the customer.
The process is homogenous; once the engineering team gives the signal that a particular requirement is feasible, the implementation team goes ahead bringing the change required in the solution. The customer is given a ticket number for that feedback and assigned an ETA (expected time of arrival) for it. After the solution is delivered, we call them again for feedback. We revisit the requirement and check whether it fits or not. This cycle of feedback and feed-forward is continued until we have a fully satisfied customer. This enables us to stay at the forefront of what the customer needs are and eventually, ScuareX becomes a favourite amongst customers.
To the other pillar of ScuareX, i.e. the team or people; the work culture adopted is very transparent. It begins from how the cabins or the work area is designed itself. Every six months, an E-Sat survey is conducted using certified third-party consultants. All the feedback is collected incognito and digitised by the consultant, which means, there is no access to actual input to the leadership team. Instead, we get a graphical and statistical view of what the employee said. The leadership teams take this feedback very seriously and diligently gets to work on input and eventually to improve E-Sat scores.
“We have set the standards for service delivery in the real estate management industry focused on customer delight”
ScuareX is also one of the few companies that believe and acts on women empowerment. Proof of this is that about 53 per cent of the firm’s employee count comprises of women, and only about 47 percent are men. There are three women in ScuareX’s management board, out of a panel of six.
What further innovation do you plan to include in your real estate technology offerings?
With giant strides, we have accomplished a lot in a relatively short time of our operations in the industry. Shortly, we intend to integrate payments for rent payment every month. While the rents are paid on time, with the help of the payment gateways, tenants will be able to pay rent not just using bank transfer, but using credit cards, and debit cards as well.
We will soon be launching Cash-on-Pay wallet. Cashback on every transaction for everyone - lifelong is the mantra of Cash-on-pay. We are also looking into advance payments allowing the user to be able to take credit from Cash-on-Pay and pay the property owner. There is a lot we will do. I envision a promising future for the real estate industry, and ScuareX is most likely to make an impact on the global arena.